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Metaphysical Healing & Self Defense


Last update 8/26/2000
by Margaret Gamez, copyright,M.Gamez,1997

What Is It About? Is It For Me?

Ever feel like you've been here before? You have!

We are all here for a purpose. We have been here before, and those past lives contain information affecting this present life. In past lives, we have accumulated karma, or effects of our actions, and that karma carries over into this present life.

We have chosen this life, the good, and the bad, to bring about the ideal situations which will allow us to resolve part or all of the karmic issues which we've created.

Not everyone was Cleopatra
Of course, it is interesting to know what we have been, or done, in previous incarnations. Not everyone, however, was Cleopatra, in a former life. Satisfaction of curiosity aside, Past Life Regression allows us to access past incarnations, or lives, in order to better understand our current lives and issues, awaken to our purpose here, and take control of our mission here.

Go to the Source
Through Past Life Regression, it is possible to explore the sources of current life issues, reasons for attachments, addictions, and fears and phobias, and what karmic connections we may have with individuals in this current life, among other issues. We may then choose to release the causes of these issues, heal the issues and the karma, which can allow us to resolve issues in this life, and enhance our progress.

What else is it good for?
Past life regression can also be used to awaken knowledge, abilities, empowerments, attunements, and initiations we may have attained during previous incarnations. Accessing these abilities in our present situation can enhance or further our current work, and may allow us to progress further, at a greater pace.

Further uses
It is also possible to access the Akashic Records, confer directly with our Higher Self and the Higher Selves of others, spirit, animal, and healing guides, as well as do work Inner Child work through Past Life Regression.

How Does a Past Life Regression Work?
In a Past Life Regression session, through guided relaxation and visualization, we gradually relax into a state in which we are able to set aside the consciousness with which we face this current life, and access other levels of consciousness, through which we can explore issues which are not normally available to our conscious mind. At all times, however, we are aware of what is happening, and in complete control of the situation. Although totally relaxed, we remain aware of our surroundings, and of what is being said to us, and around us. We know what we are doing, and we do only what we wish to do. We simply focus on other levels of consciousness for a time. While visiting other lives, we remain detached from any pain or upset. We can understand the trauma, but we do not feel the physicality of it. It is simply something interesting to know about. It does not affect us in any way, either during or after a session. Upon finishing a session and returning to the now, one commonly feels quite relaxed, calm, peaceful and quite satisfied. There are those who feel energized and eager to begin work with the knowledge of which they have newly become conscious.

Margaret Gamez, an ordained Interfaith minister, is an experienced certified past life regressionist, or guide, as well as a spiritual counselor, internationally recognized traditional Usui, Karuna, Seichim, Medicine Buddha, Jinlap Maitri, and Blue Star Celestial Energy Reiki Master/Teacher, a certfied Master Clinical Hypnotherapist and Hypno-Anaesthesiologist, and teacher of Psychic Self-Defense.

Email: Margaret Gamez

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