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in New York City

last update: 9/27/2000

All courses listed are also available as HOME STUDY courses. For more information on HOME STUDY opportunites, please contact us by email at Margaret Gamez

On-Line Reiki Teacher Training3/1/2000 - 4/30/2000


Reiki is an ancient Tibetan healing art, which channels Universal Life Energy (prana, Ki, or chi) through the hands of a practitioner into the recipient. The result is a gentle, non-invasive healing on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

What is involved in the various levels, or degrees, of Reiki?
In each level of Reiki, aspirants receive special attunements, or initiations, and learn the ways in which to use the Reiki energy for healing the self and others.

First Degree........................ $125
Prerequisites: None
What you learn: What you will receive Second Degree.......... .......$150
Prerequisite: Reiki First Degree

What you will learn:

What you will receive Third Degree/Master........$400
Prerequisite: Reiki First and Second Degrees. Candidates must complete a draft for Reiki First Degree and Second Degree training manuals prior to commencing training.

What you will learn:

What you will receive:
  • The five traditional Reiki Master attunements
  • Attunement to alternate Reiki Master healing and attunement symbols
  • Attunement to alternate Reiki symbols
  • An extensive and comprehensive professional reference manual
  • A beautiful certificate of training completion and attunement, suitable for framing

visitors since 9/27/2000
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