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Meet Margaret Gamez

Hello! I am a hypnotherapist. I began my interest in hypnosis a number of years ago as an ESL teacher, when I discovered that, through guided imagery, I could help my students achieve their goals more easily. Then, one day, I signed up for a hypnosis training, and the rest is history.

My early endeavors were concentrated in Past Life Therapy. This was my first interest, and continues to be a strong one. Later, I became interested in Stress Management and Pain Management, which ultimately opened me to other behavioral areas, such as Weight Control, Smoking Cessation, and Performance Coaching.

Along the way, I have had the opportunity to work with many excellent hypnotists, learning as much as possible from each. I have learned a great deal from all of my teachers, however I definitely would not be where I am without my mentor, George Bien, whom I waited too long to meet, and who gave me that first puff of pride in what I do, and that first whisper of self-confidence. George was the first who made me believe that it was possible for me to be a hypnotist, and then he was the one who gave me so many ideas as to how I could actually pull it off. Each time that I encourage a new hypnotist, I remember the great debt that I owe to this man, who unconsciously contributes so much to the field of hypnotherapy through his natural ability to bring out the best in each and every one of his students.

My Credentials

Sometimes people ask about my background for doing what I do, so I will detail my hypnosis/hypnotherapy credentials here.

Other people may be curious as to what one has to do to become a hypnotherapist. Of course, not every hypnotherapist has gone about obtaining their education in the way that I have, but my studies can give you some sort of idea as to what is available.

I should mention that, of course, all these titles came along with certificates, but I am not going to write “certified” for every single one of them.

Professional Hypnosis Organizations I am also a member of several organizations. Recently, I had the opportunity to talk with a hypnotist whom I respect quite a bit, and when I asked her if she was a member of any hypnosis organizations, she proudly told me, “Oh! I am not a joiner!” In most instances, I am not a joiner either, but in the case of professional hypnosis organizations, membership can bring with it quite a bit of education, through organization programs, chapter meetings, conventions, and newsletters/magazines. My first hypnosis certification included with it a membership in the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, and I have seen fit to keep up that membership, because of the educational benefits I have received. Two other certifications I have received also brought membership in organizations. On my own, I have joined two other organizations, all for the same reason: continuing education.

I am a member of:

My Views on Continuing Education I think that continuing education is important, no matter what field you might be in. Someone recently asked me why, with all my training and credentials, I want to take more trainings. My first gut answer would be that I am not dead yet, and there will always be so many things to learn. Although I have trained in number of areas, I am not so arrogant as to believe that there is nothing more that I can learn. I am always scouting out new (to me) hypnosis books - there are so many different areas to become involved in, and so much to know in any one of them. I am also constantly on the lookout for new hypnosis training opportunities, to keep myself and my skills fresh.

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