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What Are We Paying For, and Why Should We Pay?
by Margaret Gamez

Should Reiki be free?

This is a question which has no purpose. Reiki is Universal Life Force. It is free to anyone who wants it.

On the other hand, how does one get it?

Training is something that most commonly costs someone money. At if you require training, your company pays for it.The trainer is paid, as well, by the company. In the US, education is free to the children... or is it? We all pay taxes, some of which go to education.. even those of us with no children. The teachers are paid.

I have gladly and willingly paid for all the training I have received. I respect the effort that all my teachers have devoted, in learning what they teach, in practicing it, in developing the training, in offering it for a fee I could afford (even if sometimes it has been a real stretch). I respect my teachers for what they have achieved, for their expertise, and for their willingness to share what they know with others. I respect my teachers for the quality of training which they have provided. What one pays for, when one pays for training of any kind, is the expertise and time of the teacher, the place in which the training will be given, the equipment and materials needed to facilitate the training. Teachers, most often, have paid for their education and training, have practiced their specialty and gained expertise in it, have put effort into the development and planning of the classes they teach, and have something of value to impart to their students. The key word here is value.

Iin the case of Reiki, the most important part of the training is, ultimately, the attunements. What are attunements, exactly?

Attunements are energy boosts, to put it in simple terms. They enable one to channel energy more effectively , and to channel more of it, at higher vibrational frequencies.

Are attunements necessary to channel Universal Life Force? No, they are not. For a long time, before I received my Reiki attunements, I channeled Universal Life Force (also known as prana, without any attunements, to heal people.) So why do we want to get attunements?

Simply put, if we practice channeling the Universal Life Force, if we practice healing, as in all practices, we get better at it. Our ability improves in direct proportion to the effort we expend. Attunements, on the other hand, allow us to reach a point it might have taken us one hundred years to achieve. Are attunements a right, then? No, they are not. Attunements are a privilege.

If we diligently practice meditation or healing for a long time, we might receive an attunement from somewhere in the Universe. Then again, we might not, for attunements are not a right, which we can demand.

We can go and study, or train, with someone who has the ability to give us the attunements. We must respect the level which the person who can pass the attunements has attained. We must respect the willingness of the person who has attained this ability to pass the attunements to us. , With few exceptions, passing attunements is not a duty nor a requirement of the person who has the ability to do so. In every case, the person who has the ability to pass attunements has the right to refuse to do so. If you want the attunement badly, how will you try to persuade the person to give you the attunement?

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