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Jet-Li Photo Gallery

Welcome to the Jet-Li photo gallery. It is dedicated to the best Martial Artist to come around since Bruce Lee. His moves are faster than lightening and his punches and kicks make you feel like you've just been run over by a bulldozer. So I warn you... if you ever see him... Don't Tick Him Off!!!

Wong-Fei-Hung Mode

Wong Sifu getting ready to kick butt.

Jet-Li Looking Suave

Not only can he fight but he looks good too!!! =)


Jet-Li's practices must be so hard! Still, he can be my teacher anyday!

The Official Jet-Li Webpage <~~Go here for all the info and multimedia ever collected on Jet-Li!!!

Jet-Li's Photo House This site has the most Jet-Li pictures on the internet. It also has a lot of multimedia (videos and songs). This is the ultimate place to visit.

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