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Tony Johnson
   Tony is on the bottom right
Personal Statement:
This is Tony. He is one of the Twins, the elder twin. He was born in Seattle, almost drowned when he fell a creek as a young child and mostly we all wanted to be Tony. He was smart, the best at Risk and took on lots of responsibility. Tony took on everything Dad heaped on him and seemed always driven, confident and bold. One thing I learned about him was never to moon him or his woman! It's great to hear how he has taken on his life through nutrition and spiritual awareness.
CITY:     Indiatlantic
State: FL
Zip: xxxxx
Home Phone: XXX.XXX.XXXXCell Phone: XXX.XXX.XXXX
Occupation: Business Manager
Employer:  Carpet Industry Work Phone: XXX.XXX.XXXX
Relationship Status: Divorced Relationship Partner: None Currently
Relationship Anniversary:
Birthdate: January 17th, 1954    Zodiac Sign:
Children: 2 Childrens Names: Marc Anthony  Francis Lee Johnson