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San Diego… Denny He's still there.

Toby doing great photography.

Mom and Artie have done some traveling but are home again.

Tony lives with Carrie Lynn now.

My old friend Chris Boyett is still poisoned by the right wing rhetoric. And he's thrilled that his party will be a bigger force in Congress this next session.



finally has a boy in her life.
Mike nothing new to report, just the same slog through this hell called life.


Stuart and Patty bought a house! Yay.

Steve and Mollie I wish I would hear from them.................................................

Arts: Too Bad is New in the Arts.
Recent News: Donald Trump has been elected President, I can hardly believe it. Shades of red are dancing in my head. His picks for his Cabinet are stunning, as in BAD!

Our family patriarch, Harold Wayne Johnson has passed on. He died Sunday 12:30am, October 21st, 2007. Saturday 10:30pm Pacific time. It's the end of an amazing life. Wayne was bigger then Olive Branch Mississippi and in his life traveled the country and the world. He was father to at least 9 children. His funeral was held on Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007.
Jordan Cheyenne Bloom has passed on. July 14th 2008.

Over the years, we've lost Nana, Aunt Lurlene, Aunt Anne, Little Sis, Thelma, Aubry, Harold, Uncle George, His wife Amy, Grandpa Louis, etc.


In rememberence of 9/11/01...................................

Our lives have been changed forever by the events of 9/11/01. I can never look at a middle eastern person again with the same objectivity. Are they a member of a cell in waiting, waiting for instructions, waiting for orders, waiting to die for Allah? Will we as a nation ever have the same freedoms that we once knew? How could the people at the source of this destruction expect to get away with it?
Most disturbing images:
1) Jet hitting second building
2) Woman who said that she just sees all the dead people, not the rubble
3) Children and people dancing in the streets of Palastine and Egypt
4) Video of New Yorkers talking to reporters who have pictures and stories about their father, husband, and other family members that are missing or worked in one of the Towers
5) Stories of flight attendants being killed to lure the pilot out of the cockpits

Last updated 12/12/2016.