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What To Watch For (When Watching...)

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Let’s Party -
  • Clint seems nervous
  • Look at Dave’s expression in the chorus before Scott’s solo

    Interview -
  • They can't stand in one spot
  • Dave is constantly smiling BIG at Exan
  • They fight about whether they’re tired or not!

    “Describe the girl of your dreams in 2 words” - Watch Scott while Bob is talking Then Bob says "oh yeah" in funny voice after he describes the girl of his dreams

    Clint tries describing the Girl of his dreams but Bob and scott keep having their own conversation. Once Clint finally gets to talk he repeats sensitive cuz he doesnt know what to say.

    Clint’s bare legs. We need to say nothing else.
    Same time, he almost falls over!
    Dave talking: “the blood in your fingers goes SHK”

    When they’re talking about recording the 4 new songs - “Well we were actually....” -Scott, but watch Dave.

    Just before I'll Be There For You, Dave raises his eyebrows for a "stupid Look" but they cut him off

    I’ll Be There For You -
  • Perfect opportunity to notice how much Dave’s voice has changed since they recorded this song for the cd. He’s gone through puberty about 4 or 5 times already now!
  • During the last words of the chorus when the fans are singing, the camera pans across some fans, check out the girl with the orange-red hair

    When talking about future albums they will make, look at Scott, Dvae and Bob’s hands

    Clint talking by himself - look at Bob in the background on the bed, waiting for instructions or whatever, very bored, so he’s drumming while waiting

    Crazy -
  • You work that tamborine Dave!
  • A teddy bear hits Clint’s guitar near the beginning.
  • Dave and Bob stick out their teeth when they sing a lot of the time
  • Cint and Bob are having their own conversation

    After Exan says to Scott that a lot of girls like him, he says in a sarcastic tone "oh thank you, that's so flattering”

    When Exan’s talking to Dave about him snoring, Dave is very defensive. When Exan says that Scott told her, Dave’s face falls for a second, kind of like Scott does that kind of stuff to him all the time. Dave: “...if we hafta sleep in the same bed...” - he totally flinches and realizes he shouldn’t have said that!

    Clint and Bob’s mouths are always hanging open. Ashley’s theory is that they’re mouth breathers!

    One More Chance -
  • Clint is very dazed
  • Bob’s drum thing near the end is really cool
  • Dave’s upper lip is always sweating

    As Bob is talking to Exan by himself, Frank is in the background, wearing a black leather jacket
    Dave is in the background getting ready on the bed for his solo scene. He keeps on fixing his pants in his you-know-what area.
    After Exan interviews Bob, she pats him on the back and he smiles a fake smile at the camera and waves

    When Exan is talking about Let The Music Heal Your Soul with the Moffatts, they all have their hands in their pockets.
    Also when Exan is talking to Scott (but they’re all there) about the sign that said “Take it off Scott, Take it all off”, they again have their hands in their pockets

    Exan: “What’s your finest memory of Psykoblast?” - Bob is about to answer because he thinks Scott has been talking enough already, but Scott goes ahead anyway and Bob rolls his eyes!

    When Scott starts “beating up” Bob ni the corner, Dave tries very hard to get in When Bob and Clint are doing their impressions and all that, Scott tries very hard to get in but they won’t let him! At the end of that little part, look at Bob’s eyes, you can see someone is calling them (we think it’s Frank) and they don’t want to get in trouble so they leave right away

    Listen to Scott’s “yeah”, during the “I really really really love YOU” part

    When Exan asks Clint about what love means to him, Bob gets an intense stare on his face (probably thinking about his ex)

  • The second chorus of Love - 2 fans, girls, are having an emotional moment, holding hands

    Girl of My Dreams Video

  • Why are they walking through a female field hockey team? We figure it’s because it’s the only way they could get actual girls in the video without giving them each a “girlfriend”
  • Scott's wiggling his feet in bed scenes.
  • Close-ups of faces while they're walking were not a good idea!
  • Ok, the basketball. WHY do they only have a basketball for one second? It has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the video!
  • Scott looks a bit girly on the bed, dontcha think?
  • Would it kill them not to slouch while walking?!

    I’ll Be There For You Video

  • First of all, we must say that this video has got to be the absolute epitomy of teenybopper pop
  • Scott is more peppy in this video than we’ve ever seen him anywhere else
  • What's the point of the sleepover!?
  • Why was the girl dancing on the couch? Who does that?
  • We suggest that the Moffatts hire a new casting director for their actors! Enough said.
  • Frank plays the girl’s dad in front of the tvs
  • Clint, Bob, and Dave realize it’s them on tv.....then like 10 minutes later, so does Scott!

    Miss You Like Crazy Video

  • Frank makes yet another appearance in a Moff video, he’s in the recording studio this time
  • The Moffatts seem to be into putting tourbuses in their videos, first in this, next in Until You Loved Me! But you can see how their success has grown by the difference in the tourbuses!
  • Don't ya just love it when those girls run up from behind them and kiss them?

    Until You Loved Me Video

  • Look for Sheila in this one, see if you can find her!
  • Every time you see Danielle Fishel, the annoying thing from hell, boo at her!

    *More coming soon!*

    Juno Awards

  • We have just 3 words: Farmer’s Fat Daughter! (If you don’t get it just write and ask).
  • Look at the people around her when Dave is singing to her
  • So Sheila, we guess someone else did Scott’s make-up this time?
  • As Scott sings “Sometimes, I feel...” he wiggles!

    W5 News Thing

  • Caterpillar Crawl - Scott can really dance!!!
  • Watch as they enter the basement of Nana and Papa’s house: Clint bumps his head
  • Clint and Dave: “...tomatoes at ‘em” - watch Bob. At first he’s in the background totally bored, then when they say that, it makes him smile!
  • Scott’s “huffing” incident (as Frank says, “...I didn’t become a parent to be their friend...”): is Scott crying???
  • While they are singing with no instruments, Bob doesn't know what to do with his hands (on the Harbour Front, recently - or some place outside, we’re not sure)
  • Hehehe watch Clint fall on the ice!
  • Is it just us, or did Clint get just a LITTLE too excited about catching a fish?
  • When the triplits are in the pool with Frank, check out the quick reaction you can see from Bob when he realizes they’re being filmed
  • When they’re in the Home School place, and the British guy is talking, Bob smiles at him, sort of to be like “yeah I understand”, but Scott thinks Bob is laughing at the guy, so he starts laughing!

    Regis and Kathie Lee (the most recent one)

  • Pat Sajak: “This one came along cuz there was room..” - Dave looks hurt! Stupid Pat Sajak.....
  • Kathie Lee “mothering” Clint: EW! Stay away from him! Get someone your own size.
  • Check out how many times Clint touches his chin.
  • As Kathie Lee says “We won’t ask why” about Dave’s nickname being Big D, look at Clint’s reaction

    Misery Video #1

  • What does this video hafta do with Misery? Most of it is in the sunshine! COME ON! This should totally be the video for Raining In My Mind!
  • The Dave smile! Oh come on, you know the one!
  • The girls are way too perky in this video. It reminds me of the 50's!
  • Right when the video starts there's a fake squirrel sitting in the tree.

    *More coming soon!*

    Misery Video #2

  • Ok, this video consists of Scott Moffatt. Nothing else. Just 100% Scott Moffatt. Lucky us!
  • The Dave smile was taken away, because they were worried there wasn't enough of Scott in the video.
  • Do you see Bob at all in the video????

    *More coming soon!*