It happened one day, out of the blue. A response to my post about my favorite band, The Eagles. This most special and wonderful man came into my life overnite. I noticed his enthusiasm right away, and thought, here's a person I could get along with very well! Very well, indeed! We proceeded to email each other several times a day, and within weeks, we were totally in love! He makes me feel like the most special, beautiful, sexiest woman in the whole world! I cannot imagine my life without him! Within months, I realized enough of this internet long-distance thing! I'd been unhappy at home for a very long time and my Angel, Steve, gave me the strength and courage to pack my bags, gas up the car and drive the 1,504 miles to Wisconsin! So, I did! It was the best thing I have ever done for myself, and Steve! We are truly made for each other! We have so much in common and are totally committed to each other. We were both unhappy for a very long time, and I know there was a reason we met that night at the Classic Rock Headquarters. God saw two very lonely people who belonged together and saw an opportunity to bring us together. We are soul-mates. Yes, there is such a thing! We are best friends who love and respect one another very much. I know your soul-mate is out there, waiting for you, too! I really believe there is a soul-mate for everyone in this world. You never know when you will meet yours, but it will happen, really! We are very happily living together and continue to love each other more and more each day. He is the sweetest, most gentle, kindest, cutest, most passionate, enthusiastic, generous, romantic, sharing, caring, loving, funny and oh, did I mention? SEXIEST man alive! I thank God everyday for bringing me this most extraordiary and incredible man who saved my life. I shake my head and ask myself every day, "how did I get so lucky"? I can never thank you, Sweetheart, for making me the happiest woman in the world. You have, you know that. I am truly blessed. This perfect Angel of mine, I love you, Honey, more than words can say. I feel like we're living in Dreamland, and Dreamland Is Forever. Thank you, my dear Sweet Angel for being there when I needed you, for making me always laugh, even when I don't feel like it, and for making everyday special because YOU are in my life, and for making me so very HAPPY! I LOVE YOU SO VERY, VERY MUCH Honey, thank you for being YOU! I'd be lost without you, Babe! Want to take a look?! Did you notice the song playing? "Faithfully" by Journey. *big smile* Thank you *so* much Star*Shine, we love it! Previous | Next | Index | Random « # I Love You ? » This The Happy Couple site owned by angel. [ Previous 5 | Skip Previous | Previous | Next | Skip Next | Next 5 | Random | List ]