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Women's Memberships

I am proud to be a member of the following women's online groups.
I hope you'll take a moment to visit their sites. They're worth it. *smile*

I am especially proud to be a member of PWOTW.
It is a group of women dedicated to stamping out domestic abuse. Show your support and visit their sites!

The Phenomenal Women Of The Web®
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I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal
Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

I am very honored to be apart of Becoming Evolutionary. A group of diverse women. Please read the BE philosophy, and see if you want to join, too.

Is A Proud Member Of The
Becoming Evolutionary

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I am honored to be a part of B*I*T*C*H! A very special group of women (sorry, guys!) Please take a moment to read their creed and maybe you'd like to join, too! *smile*

                B*I*T*C*H I'm Proud to be a Member of
The B*I*T*C*H Webring
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¸¸ø¤'¤ø,¸¸» Being In Total Control of Herself «¸,ø¤'¤ø,¸

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I am a proud member of a the Yellow Rose Sisters Webring.
We hope to promote women's friendships online.

This Yellow Rose Sisters site owned by angelinwhite.

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Visit my Yellow Rose Sisters Dedication Page

The Incredible Girls Webring has lots of talented Ladies! Stop by today!

See my Pet Webrings and my Love & Romance Webrings