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To Angel's Pet Adoption!

I am an animal lover! I wish there were homes for every stray, but, unfortunately, there isn't! As part of my support for animal rights, I've adopted an adorable kitten and puppy from LadyJ's Pet Adoptions.

Please visit her site and show your support, too! She has many cute kittens & puppies to choose from, just waiting for a new home! I'm sure we can spread the word on helping animals any way we can!

Be an Angel, Adopt A Stray!

Generously made for me by Mary of
Lady Lavendars Creations
Thanx so much, Mary! *hugs*

Aren't they both special? They're so cute!
Get yours at Fairy Skye's SnowGlobes

Ok, so where's my adopted kitten & puppy, you ask?? They've got their own pages! Please go see them in their new homes!

They're pretty happy to have a nice home! I know all kittens & puppies would love a nice home, too! Remember, spay & neuter, only you can make a big difference in some animals' lives! Do it today!

Designs by Breeze

Time to Meet Tipper! and Meet Louisa!

Meet Tipper!   Meet Louisa!

Background by Addicted to Graphics
Like this font? I got it atJumbles Animal Gallery