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Posted: Saturday, November 4, 2000 | 3:19 a.m.
St. Louis Post

Celebrities help out tribute to Carnahan

Robin Carnahan, daughter of Gov. Mel Carnahan, thanked several thousand supporters Friday night for "making Dad proud."

The occasion was a benefit concert honoring the governor's life. The event, at The Pageant theater, featured singers Sheryl Crow and Don Henley and actor Kevin Kline.

Henley told the audience that he had spoken to the governor just a few days before Carnahan's death in a plane crash Oct. 16 that also killed his eldest son and a top aide. "I believe in Gov. Carnahan's dream and the dream of his lovely wife, Jean Carnahan," Henley said.

Crow and Kline, both native Missourians, said they were moved by Carnahan's efforts to improve health care and education. They joined Rep. Richard A. Gephardt, D-St. Louis County, and the entire state Democratic ticket in calling for support in next Tuesday's election.

Robin Carnahan read a statement from her mother, who has agreed to serve in the U.S. Senate if her deceased husband defeats Sen. John Ashcroft, R-Mo.

Here is a review from Julie, from The Eagles' Mailing List. Posted Nov. 4, 2000

Last night I went to St. Louis to the Tribute to Mel Carnahan and the Democratic Party Concert at the Pageant featuring Don Henley, Sheryl Crow, and Kevin Kline as the MC. Mel was the governor of Missouri and was running for a seat in the Senate when he along with his son and a campaign aide was killed in a plane crash in Oct. Mel's name is still on the ballot and his wife has announced that she will take his seat if he is elected. This concert was put on in tribute to Mel, to let people know how to vote for his wife Jean, and a general Democratic Party rally.

To keep this short and Eagles-related I'll just post about the Henley part of the show. Henley had a smaller band with him this time that included the keyboardist, the drummer, the bassist for the Inside Job tour as well as Peter and Frank. Don was looking good and he had a different outfit on then he usually wears so it was a nice change. He spoke about Mel and how he had spoke to Mel a few days before the accident and that he was there to show support for Mel's wife Jean. He mentioned that he had been sick with the flu (said one of the kids brought it home) and said he was sorry if his voice cracked (I didn't notice any problems with his voice). During the show someone yelled "Don for President" and he replied that he didn't want the job. The set list was short but was a great selection and Don sounded great.

Set List:
Boys of Summer (Unplugged)
Chimes of Freedom (Don said he didn't know what Dylan was on when he wrote this song)
End of the Innocence
Lilah (with the Irish musicians)
A Night in Summer Long Ago (with the Irish musicians)
My Thanksgiving.

That was the end of Don's set. Sheryl came on and put on a wonderful show she did maybe 10 songs or so. She did one encore, left the stage and a 2nd mic was brought to the center of the stage. At this time she came back on and introduced Don, he came back on and everyone sang "This Land is Your Land" Don did solo on a verse or two but watched the teleprompter for the words during most of the song. Kevin Kline was a great MC he would come out and give the peace sign with both hands like he did in the movie Dave and the crowd would go nuts.

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