Hello! Welcome to my Angel quilt! I've always believed in angels, haven't you? I truly believe they are all around us, watching over us!

I have two angel squares made. They are the first two on my quilt. If you'd like to see all my other squares for your quilts, please go Here

I'd love to add your square to my quilt! Just Email Me your 130 X 130 square, along with your URL, and I'll happily add you to my quilt!

angelinwhite angelinwhite Carol Kitty Kapers Kitty Kapers Joanne Chilady Amy Joanne Carol Jude Island Princess Jude Joanne Diane Lady Red Sharon Linda Toto Lady Lisa Island Princess Island Princess Janny Rae Sprite Michelle Michelle Sweet DJ Lesa Luterana Leslie Nobie Lady Kay Jude Jude Island Princess


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This Most Beautiful  Background Is By Legend Designz
Angel Artwork Is By Corey Wolfe