It's snowing outside, there's a fire in the fireplace,the smell of fresh baked cookies is in the air and someone's wrapping presents... Why it must be Christmas!

Welcome to my Christmas quilt! Here's wishing your family a safe and blessed holiday season, and a happy new year!

I have two Christmas squares made. They are the first two on my quilt. If you'd like to see all my other squares for your quilts, please go Here

I'd love to add your square to my quilt! Just Email Me your 130 X 130 square, along with your URL, and I'll happily add you to my quilt!

This Wonderful Gift Is From Kitty Kapers
This wonderful gift is from Kitty Kapers! Isn't it too cute?

angelinwhiteangelinwhite Gabys Presents Shop Michele Joanne Gramma MiMi Village House Graphics JannyRae Jude Lady Lisa Sprite Jude Lady Lynda Jude Pamster Tammy Andrea The Goodmans Kitty Kapers Kitty Kapers Kitty Kapers Island Princess Island Princess Carol Carol Lesa Lesa Amy Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe Jude Alison Kitty Kapers Kitty Kapers Toto Lesa Chilady Purple Wolfe Chilady Cricket Anniebel Cricket Muffie Lesa Suzie Sweet DJ Suzie Momwisdom Amy Muffie Muffie Purple Wolfe Cozy Baby Chilady Lint Family Winter Sandi

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This Most Wonderful   Background Is By Shari's Designs