Boo! Ok, so this isn't the scariest Halloween page, but I bet it's the cutest! Welcome to my Halloween quilt!

The first four squares are mine. Feel free to take them and add them to your Halloween quilt! If you'd like to see all my squares, please go to My Quilt Squares

I'd love to add your square to my quilt! Just Email Me your 130 X 130 square, along with your URL, and I'll happily add you to my quilt!

This Wonderful Card Is From Kitty Kapers

I love this! Michele sent this Halloween cookie to The Friendship Quilters! Thank you, Michele!

Gift From Michele
Cookie By Gramma Hugs

angelinwhite angelinwhite angelinwhite angelinwhite Lesa Lesa Lesa Toto Alison Carol Cricket Lesa Michele Michele Lesa Cricket Lady Red Lady Red Island Princess Michele Michele Island Princess Neppie Linda Cricket Kitty Kapers Kitty Kapers Joanne Candi Anniebel Anniebel Michele Michele Candi Tea Candi Kitty Kapers Island Princess Island Princess Toto Jude Jude Aunt~Net Aunt~Net

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Kitten  Photo By Ines Fleischer  This Most Adorable Background Is By Moon And Back Graphics