Boo! I got so many wonderful Halloween squares, my first quilt was overflowing, so I had to do another one! Welcome to my second Halloween quilt!

If you'd like to see all my squares for your quilts, please go to My Quilt Squares

I'd love to add your square to my quilt! Just Email Me your 130 X 130 square, along with your URL, and I'll happily add you to my quilt!

This Wonderful Card Is From Toto

Pamster Muffie Phoebe Toto Amy Sweet DJ Neppie Muffie Aunt~Net Purple Wolfe Cricket Cricket Cricket Purple Wolfe Michele Amy Joanne Michele Michele Amy Neppie Sue Phoebe Jude Lois Sassy Bunnie Purple Wolfe Anniebel Toto Lesa Lesa Alison Chilady Chilady Lesa Carol Lesa Carol Carol Chilady Lady Lisa Lesa Stargazer Gayla's Nest JanDee

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Kitten  Photo By Ines Fleischer  This Most Adorable Background Is By Moon And Back Graphics