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Joseph Anthony Fatone, Jr.

  • Birthdate-January 28, 1977
  • Nicknames-Joey, Joe, Fat-One, Party Animal, Flirt
  • Sign-Aquarius
  • Best Mates-Me! and Libra, Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini
  • Birthplace-Brooklyn, NY
  • Home-Orlando, FL
  • Group ID-The Flirty One
  • Hair Color-Brown
  • Eye Color-Brown
  • Height-6'
  • Shoe Size-12
  • Family-Mom Phyllis, Dad Joe senior, Sister Janine(26), Brother Steven(23).
  • Car-Acura SLX
  • Collects-Superman Memorabilia
  • Biggest Influence- His dad's group "The Orions"
  • Before 'N Sync- Appeared in movies such as "Once Upon a Time in America (1984) and Matinee (1993, also guest appeared on SeaQuest DSV. He was in the Beetlejuice Graveyard Review also..
  • Fav colors- Purple, Red
  • Fav food- Anything Italian, especially lasagna
  • Fav Drink- Coke
  • Fav actor- Robert DeNiro
  • Fav Ice Cream- Mint Chocolate Chip
  • Fav Gum- Big Red
  • Fav Past Time- Playing video games, going to parties and clubs - and dancing. Flirting and Jet Skiing, also!
  • Fav Holiday- Christmas
  • Fav Animal- Black Panther
  • Fav actress- Demi Moore
  • Fav 'N Sync Song- "I Want You Back"
  • Fav X-Mas Song- "O Holy Night"
  • Billy Madison, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
  • Fav Author- Shakespeare
  • Fav Music- Musicals, Movie Soundtracks
  • Fav musicians- Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers, Boyz II Men
  • Fav Place- South Africa b/c it's beautiful
  • Fav Book- MacBeth
  • Fav TV Show- South Park
  • Fav Subject in School- Chorus
  • Fav Word- Burrrttt! It doesn't really mean anything. Just make sure you say it really loud.
  • Fav Spice Girl- Geri because he finds her really appealing
  • Fav Childhood Toy According to Mom- "It was a red, white and blue monkey, but he doesn't have it anymore. He loved hand puppets. He still has one, a big brown monkey that his aunt bought him that still sits in his room."
  • First girlfriend- at age 9 or 10.
  • First Kiss- "It was my first girlfriend."
  • First concert- "My parents took me to an oldies concert."
  • First album- By Twisted Sister
  • Boxers or Briefs?- Boxer Briefs
  • Belly Button- Innie
  • Best childhood memory- Going to Disney World for the First Time
  • Best Buddies- Erik, Joel, Kristyn, Fonzy, Kelly (Old High School Friends) and of course, Justin, JC, Chris, and Lance
  • Habits- Bites fingernails
  • Hates- his big feet/nose
  • First job- At Disney World
  • Joey's idea of a perfect date- a casual dinner and a movie with someone who is outgoing, trusting and has a great sense of humor.
  • Joey's ideal woman- a fun girl with a great personality who enjoys company, honest, can take a joke and likes going to the movies. He likes a girl who isn't afraid to speak their mind. He likes girls with long hair, ginger hair, red hair, dark hair-actually it really doesn't matter.
  • Joey's Fantasy(!)- "A giant pool of Jell-O, as far as wild goes!"
  • Self-Description- Happy-Go-Lucky, Outgoing, and Silly
  • Friends' thoughts on Joey- "He's a first class flirt. Joey is kind of a lady killer," says Justin. Lance agrees: "He gets all the girls just panting over him!"
