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Adopt/Marry 'N Sync!

*N Sync is mine, but you can get yours too!

I aDoPteD *N Sync!!!! YoU CaN ToO aT...
~*CrUnK FoR *N SyNc!!!!*~.
OwNeR: Meagan

I know you want to hear me sing!!

Click here to marry YOUR nsyncer! I, Meagan, was married on June 8th, 1999

I got married to:

Joey Fatone

...and he insisted on playing hopscotch onour honeymoon.

Want to get married to YOUR favorite *N Syncer? Go to the altar!

Jessica, this one's for you!!!!!
Click here to marry YOUR nsyncer! I, Jessica, was married on June 18, 1999

I got married to:

Justin Timberlake

...and it almost wasn't legal because ebonics don't exactly count during marriage vows.

Want to get married to YOUR favorite *N Syncer? Go to the altar!

Adoption Agency Adoption Agency
*NSYNC: Gotta Giddy Up!
i'm a joey girl?

This is REALLY MEAN, but I still wnat to be a Joey slave.
i'm a joey girl?

He needs your help folks! Not because he's from Brooklyn, but come on. How can you deny a face like this?
This certifies that Meagan and Joey Fatone have been joined together on June 25 1999 in Holy Virtual Matrimony.
