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Reads with Opinions


OK, here's an interesting subject.....What is up with the Michael Fredo people?!? They keep emailing me and signing my guestbook and telling me to support a guy that I don't even like! So, in closing to this short little topic, I would like to say, "NO!" to the crazy Michael Fredo fans. GOT IT?
OK, here's my opinion. Even if you don't care, please read on. I was just surfing the web when I ran into some 'N Sync humor pages. Not that it matters, but some subjects a couple of them were about were Justin and JC being gay, Lance being a woman, etc. Quite frankly, I'm excrutiatingly sick of it. What is with you people? Do you enjoy making fun of others?! Maybe I should make a humor page about you! All I'm trying to get across is the fact that I'm sick of those people who think that they rank higher than 'N Sync and like to diss their power. I know, they all use that "freedom of speech" thing, but I think that they are taking this a little too far. Now, I know that some other person in this world agrees with me. And don't think that I'm just some teenybopper who is defending my teen idols, because I'm not. I think that it is very cruel to make up ridiculous things about 'N Sync and stories about them being what their not. Yes, I do have a sense of humor but it is getting really digusting, embarassing, and stupid. Some sights even claim to like them, but want to bring out the funny side of them. Answer this for me: If you love someone, how could you possibly say mean things about them?! Pardon, but I'm just really mad about this. It's just plain dumb. And I know that there are people out there who don't like 'N Sync (and how could you possibly not!), but still, have some class! Sure, you have your freedom, but you need psyciatric help! I would really like to get your opinion on this subject. Please email your feelings on this situation to me at the address at the bottom of this page. Speak your mind!


Hey Girl,

I agree with you. I don't think that what those people are doing is right. I Mean i've never seen any of these damn humor sights but all i can say is screw them. those people are obviously not true fans. anyone who can sit there and diss *N Sync like that doesn't deserve the time of day!!! That's all i got to say about that so just forget them and don't give the attention that they don't deserve -k-

Love Always, Darine


Dear Meags,

I agree totally. People need to grow up before i come after y'all(yes, i love justin!) Its fine if you don't like them, everyone has their own opinion. But I am a firm believer of the fact that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!!! And to all you 'n sync "lovers"(the ones who say you are, but really aren't) YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOT IT?



humor page


U Right! Humor pages are a sick Thing....those people have absolutly no respect!


You obviously DON'T have a sense of humor. I love *NSYNC with all my heart, and I find those sites extremely funny. Do you really expect us to believe that you aren't some teenie-bopper??!! Come on!! They are human, they aren't any different from the rest of us. The only difference is that everything they do is watched by the scrutinizing eye of the public. The sites wouldn't be funny if I didn't love is the kind of humor that comes from being a fan. It isn't bashing because the people who make these sites KNOW about the group, they don't just dislike them. Well, it's not their fault you people can't take a joke. Frankly, I find it sad that our society has deteriorated to this...where people can't even have a sense of humor about anything. Apperently you've never watched an episode of "Mystery Science Theater 3000" and laughed, or else you would understand that brand of humor. Thanx for listening :)



i so agree with everyone. i have been to the humor sights and they arent even funny. i think the people who have enough time to do that are just jealous because nsync is loved more than them. if you dont like nsync, then dont waste your time. go do a site on who you actually like, because this is making you look really stupid!
another nsync/justin jc lover, asia

I think what you are saying is so the truth! 'N Sync did nothing wrong to deserve being made fun of! Especially if you like them. It's like making fun of your bestfriend or boyfriend or something. Whoever makes fun of 'N Sync deserves to be told off and smacked 'cuz I'd never do that. I'm a big fan of theirs and I'd never make fun of them. It's just wrong and those people who do, their minds are royally screwed.
Jessy - 'N Sync All The Way!!!:Þ

i totally uderstand where u r comming from, i mean i love nsync with all my heart and frankly they have changed my life. i think if u dont like nsync than thats fine u dont have too but u dont have to make up stupid stories or lies about them. For those people that say u r nsync fans and still diss on them arent true fans at all. i mean if i was famous and saw the one of my "fans" wrote total crap about me i would be heart broken. nsync lover till the end
I totally agree with you. I think people make those tings up about the guys because they are gellous.
I hope to get a response from you. I just wanted to tell you that I agree with you about 'N Sync, those people don't know what they are talking about. True, freedom of speech, but it also says that you can speak as freely as you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Now, let me say something to you. How can you be mad at someone for dissing 'N Sync? You like 'N Sync but not Britney Spears, does that give you the right to dis Brit? You get mad because people dis your group, but you can do the same thing to people who like Brit. That is very hypocritical. Think about it, I love your page though!!!
Sup? I totally agree w/ u about those humor sites. I think people are just jealous of *N Sync's success and feel they gotta make up some stupid site about it. The main target is poor Lance. They say hes a girl, he borrows lipstick from Justin...ect... and I think its really sick. If Lance and Justin were gay, whould they sing love songs about girls?!? I think not. The whole concept of sites is for enjoyment, and when *N Sync is verbally bashed in them, where is the enjoyment? I hope you write back to me, and put this letter up on ur site. Have a nice day and keep smilin' :)
Anyone feel free to email

'N Sync: Fulfilling Dreams

"Bananas have no lips. Peel banana, peel peel banana..."

A soft, sing-song voice croons through the ward of the German children's hospital. Nurses stand around, not saying a word, their lips pressed together with smiles. At the center of the attention is a young, curly-haired Adonis, surrounded by children, some of whom will never get better. He is cross-legged on the floor, at their eye level, singing simple poems. And although the children do not speak English, the point of this meeting reaches them. "Lean to the left, lean to the right.." he sings, and the children break out in laughter as they follow his movements. When the meeting is over, the children gather around him, clutching pads of paper for him to sign. Nurses thank him for stopping by. He smiles lightly and leaves without a trace. On the ride down in the elevator, none of the doctors take notice of his watery red eyes and quivering chin.

Outside of the hospital, he hops into a waiting limo and returns to his life as Justin Timberlake, the youngest member of the American quintet, 'N Sync. His four bandmates are involved in a project today. Justin, sick with a nagging case of laringitus, chose his activity for the day. At this point in time, he seems more saint than sex symbol. He is just 17, but this sudden meeting makes his face seem older. "We haven't been there in a while," he says, shivering and bundling up into a quilted jacket. "It's very sad, because there were kids here last year who you knew wouldn't be there the next time. Actually going back makes it more realistic."

Justin arrives back at his hotel, where a steady stream of adoring fans stands outside. Taking notice of the arriving limo, they instantly break out into a screaming frenzy. Justin is tired, worn out from the constant travel and, although he denies it, a bit crinkled from the shedding of a few tears. Yet out into the mob he wanders, surrounded by heavy security and a faceless sea of adolescense. "Justin!" one screams. "I love you!" He patiently shakes hands and signs more papers. A ball wizzes by his head, just barely hitting him, and that's when security rushes him inside. Justin is in the lobby, a bit shaken, and hidden behind the teenage mask of cockiness is a sign that he is, in fact, terrifed of the mass hysteria.

Sauntering through the lobby at that paticular moment is Justin's bandmate, Chris Kirkpatrick. Chris, considered ancient at the age of 27, is a severe, dangerous looking fellow who sports his hair in an array of tiny braids. One sentence from him changes that initial impression. "Yo!" he screams across the lobby, causing a few people to turn in annoyance. "They've got free cheese in the dining room!" Chris is childlike in demeanor while Justin, ten years his junior, is quiet and guarded. On the ride up in the elevator, Chris can hardly contain himself from telling a joke he just got off the internet. Stopping off at a middle floor, we get out...but Chris cannot contain himself from pushing every button in the elevator, which will make it stop at every floor in the building. This is all it takes to send Justin into a laughing hysteria.

I meet with the boys in a suite of rooms. JC Chasez, 22, is something like the typical boy-next-door, almost naive, but very driven. Joey Fatone, 21, a teddy bear-like fellow with facial hair, is feeling cheeky today, and hugs every female in sight. Ending out the mix is Lance Bass, 19, very blonde with a kind face, who talks gently with a smile. "See this?" says Joey, turning his face to reveal a red scratch, not too big, but deep enough to be hurtful. "Where did you get that?" I ask, and my question causes the other four boys to exchange knowing glances. "Fingernail," he says. "See the shape? It's shaped like a nail." It turns out that Joey received his prize just moments ago, working his way through the mob of fans. A girl tried reaching up to touch his hair, and somehow she ended up scratching her idol when the crowd surged forward. Joey is quick not to blame, however. "Security made us come inside," he says. "I'm sure she would have apologized, if she had been given the chance." Nobody is going to take a chance with the wound, as it is quickly rinsed with alcohol. "Joey always gets hurt," says Chris, light-heartedly but at the same time concerned. "He used up a lot of make-up on our first European tour. All those black eyes to cover up." "What can I say?" says Joey, smiling. "I'm just lucky." Nobody asks anybody else about anything else regarding that day. Instead they gather in one room for lunch. They seem rather unspoiled and simple popping open soda cans and piling Swiss cheese and assorted meat onto slices of bread. "Where's the caviar?" I ask jokingly. "Haha!" Justin cries with his mouth full, clearly feeling better after his fuel charge. "We ate some of that once, and all of us spent the day taking turns in the bathroom on the bus. We were sick. Except Joey." Joey stands across the room, hears the comment, and pats his stomach with a smile.

After the meal, it is time to head down to a local radio station for an on-air interview. The fans still wait outside, but security isn't taking any more chances. They are escorted out a back way, where it is quiet. The limo drives around to the front, where the girls see it and once again begin their charade. One girl manages to climb up on the back of the limo. The driver, infuriated, blows his horn and slams the brakes. "We always check behind us when we drive off," Chris explains, "to make sure nobody is lying dead in the street." The traffic is heavy on this late day, and the ride is long. But it gives 'N Sync enough time to contemplate the immediate givings of life. "Yeah, we cry sometimes," says JC, speaking of the downside of fame. "You feel lonely. Isolated. I think that's normal. But we accept that. We're doing something we want to do. We're going to enjoy this opporunity while it's here." "You cry?" asks Chris teasingly. "Not I!" "Chris cries when he reads fan mail," barks Lance. "He's happy because people like him." "Chris cried every night the first week of our first tour," laughs Justin. "So did you," says Chris, blushing. "OK, I take that first comment back." 'N Sync may be well loved in Europe, but they only recently broke out this year in their homeland, where they now spend most of their time. This trip back to Europe is to basically let their fans know that they are not forgotten. "It has always been this crazy here," says Joey, waving his arms around. "We'd go back home to Florida, live anonymously, go to movies, clubs, whatever." "Yeah, it was like a game," says Chris. "To go from insanity to being nobody, really. Well, there were some fans. But for the most part, it was like telling somebody you were in a band big overseas, and they laughed at you. Like it was some huge pick-up line or something."

Reaching the radio station, I am ready to leave the group when I choose to venture inside. I sit through the interview, listening as they guys churn out pre-planned answers to fans through an interpreter. After an hour, I follow them to a back room, where a worker's daughter is waiting patiently. She is 10-years-old, is dying from a rare form of cancer which has stunted her growth, yet she once told her father she refused to leave this world until she met her idols. She is brutally honest. "I have something to tell you," she manages to whisper, and Chris bends down to listen, and nobody else can hear. The guys pile back into the limo, and Chris joins them a few minutes later, waving to fans. Once he hops inside, his eyes are red and teary, his face showing the same hollowed expression that Justin displayed hours earlier. "She told Chris she feels safe enough to let go now," explains a female manager, smiling. Chris, biting a fingernail and trying to remain composed, looks out the window and ends on one though. "That little girl," he says, "is what makes everything worthwhile." you actually say that this TRUE story is not the sweetest thing in the world?!?!?!?! hmmm. Sob, sob.

Ok, I know I have this hole humor page hate thing going on, but I REALLY HATE BRITNEY SPEARS. And I was surfing some really cool Joey sites and came across some real articles from real news papers, magazines, ect. and thought that it should be known just what this girl, oops, I mean THING really is like. Trust me, just read on......
1. New York, NY.- Popster Britney Spears was involved in a fight friday night, an apparent victim of her own big mouth. Spears was entering a party her record label, Jive, was throwing and was overheard by several people trashing the members of the Backstreet Boys, who happen to be her label mates. A witness said Spears was repeatedly heard making comments about the groups appearance on her own album. She also complained a great deal about their new album, trashing most of the songs off their third CD, Millennium, which incidentally has been sitting at number one on the Billboard charts for a month. She reportedly made a very offensive remark about one particular track, The Perfect Fan, a song written by Backstreet Boys Brian Littrell about his mother. Spears called the song "Crap" and continued bashing it even as Littrell, who was arriving at the party himself, passed. Witnesses overheard Littrell saying he was going to ignore her, apparently the same didn't go for his guest. Leighanne Wallace, Littrell's girlfriend of several years confronted Spears about her comments and they got into a heated argument. Spears tried to attack Leighanne without any success before Wallace swung out at Spears, sending her crashing down on the carpet below knocking her out cold. Littrell took his girlfriend by the hand and pulled her away from Spears into the building. Wallace, as she entered the party, was overheard yelling at Spears "Want to be hit one more time!" a clever reference to the Spears song Hit me baby one more time After Spears was revived, she left the party with no comments. No lawsuit is pending as of yet.
MY COMMENTS- OK, now if I were Leighanne, I would have "Hit Her One More Time". Maybe even a couple more. Who does she think she is? I'm not actually a BSB fan, but Brian is actually the only desent one and frankly this is crap. It's not like she has enough talent to write her own songs, so she is just WAY jealous.

2. From the Toronto Sun- "Teen music idol Britney Spears really stuck it to the thousands of people who attended her downtown autograph-signing session yesterday (July 14th), said many of her disappointed fans. She autographed pictures for an hour for about 200 fans outside The Bay at Yonge and Richmond Sts. yesterday at 12:30 p.m., but didn't sing or evensay hello to the other estimated 2,000 who crammed together under the blazing sun.'She could have walked on the runway, said hello or sang a song' said Sandra-Lee Da Silva, 19, from Ajax. 'We've been here since 9 a.m.' Some fans also said the reigning queen of teen should have taken more time and interest with admirers who got her autograph, most of whom had been waiting in line for hours. 'I walked up on stage and she signed my picture and smiled, then didn't say anything,' said Rehanna Rahaman, 14, from Mississauga..."
MY COMMENTS- OK, can we say "SO TOTALLY FRICKIN' RUDE!" Brit, as hard as it is for me to admit it, you actually DO have fans that actually WOULD stand in line to see you like that. You just don't do that, K? Somebody needs to have an attitude adjustment if she wants to keep the fans that she does have.
But wait, there's more.

From TV Guide- Did you catch singer Britney Spears uplifting performance on Nickelodeon's Kids's Choice Awards? If must have been pretty cold there--In Orlando Florida. Under the hot lights. Somebody get this 17-year-old pop star a bra! Folks were talking about the segment for days after, fueled by earlier hullabaloo over whether she has had breast implants. Something is sure different. We phoned Nickelodeon's brass, who explained that Spears was covered up during rehearsal, and that there wasn't much they could do since the show was live. "It was innappropriate," a network exec says. "Unfortunately, some things are beyond your control in a live telecast." Spears's handlers--the ones who put her in a bra and skimpy hot pants for sexy photos in Rolling Stone- Say this: "We have nothing really to say." Nestle did. It yanked it's sponsorship of her tour after seeing the pics.
MY COMMENTS- EEEEEEW! I was one of the unfortunate ones that did see this (Hey, what did you expect? 'N Sync was on that show too!) and I must say that I was COMPLETELY GROSSED OUT!!!!! And this just proves that she is a filthy liar b/c on Rosie O'Donnel, she said: "Oh, I know, I was so embarassed!" after Rosie yelled at her. She later added that she didn't bring a coat b/c she thought that it would be warm out. I mean, c'mon, that was The KID'S Choice Awards, with millions of younger viewers! Those children, along with myself and other older viewers are scarred for life!

This is a personal experience from the same webpage and this is just B-A-D.
"Okay I was actually starting to change my mind about Brit. I saw Making the Video and I liked the new remix to her song. Plus I watched All Access and even though it was pretty obvious that she was faking it, it looked like she was somewhat trying to put on a good show for her crowd. I was also starting to feel a little sorry for her too, but now I got back into reality. Recently Britney was in my homestate of Washington (Seattle to be specific) for her tour. Since Tommy Hilfiger sponsers her tour she makes appearances at Tommy departments of stores and has a meet and greet. She recently made an appearance at my mommy's and my place of employment, The Bon Marche. Only the one in Seattle. Well I was planning to take my younger brother, who LOVES Brit over there to meet her since my mom's friend was arranging the whole thing, but decided against it since I had some other things to do that day. Well according to my mom's friend, it was a good thing that I didn't. Apparently Brit was not only mean to the employees of The Bon, but she was very mean to her fans. I mean a lot of people CAMPED out to be able to meet her. According to my mom's friend (who is VERY trustworthy, by the way) she would only sign autographs to fans who were going to her show. Also she kept on complaining about how she didn't want to be there cuz she was SOOOOO tired. Oh no Brit you have to meet a few fans who actually look up to you, poor thing. She would only autograph tickets that people had that were going to her concert and that is it. Plus she wouldn't look at anybody!!! She was rude and mean. I mean it's one thing to be tired, but you don't have to be rude to your fans!!!!!! SHe wouldn't even look at them in the face. In a way I was glad that i didn't go, cuz I know that if my bro met her and she would have been rude to him, I would have gone off, but in a way I wish I was there to tell her off and let her know that she really sucks balls, plus I know my mom and my mom's friend also would have gone off, too (which is not good since we all work at the bon and I happen to like my job). Oh and apparently it is also REALLY obvious that she got a boob job too according to my mom's friend. The good side of it though, was that a lot of people who had tickets to her concert were soooo mad that she was rude, that they decided not to go to her concert, or take their kids. COOL!! She is finally going down!!!!!!!!!! So that made my day."
MY COMMENTS- So I admit it, in the beginning, I, yes I, was a Britney fan, but when I learned more about her, everything was different. And this is exactly what I mean! Jeez, You'd think that a person would be a little more intelligent in these kind of situations. What is the world coming to?

If you have any TRUE diminishing Britney Spears stories, please send them to me at and have a nice day!
