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Finless Porpoises

Neophocaena phocaenoides

Average Size

Newborns: 55 cm

Adults: 6 feet



They are found in warm waters and coastal waters from Pakistan, all of Indian subcontinent, southeast Asia and Indonesia, and north to China, Korea, and Japan.

In case you didn't know:

The body of the Finless Porpoise is very streamlined.

This animal has no dorsal fin, hence the name, Finless.

This porpoise looks like a small beluga.

It travels in groups of 50 porpoises. But they usually travel in groups of 5 to 10.

These porpoises live about 25 years.

The young calves are said to be carried by their ,others by holding on to her with their flippers.

They are said to be shy and hard to approach. But that is not always the case.

They eat squid, shrimp, prawns, small fish, eggs, rice, and other grains that are in the water.