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Harbour Porpoises

Phocoena phocoena

Average Size

Newborns: 3 feet 4 inches

Adults: 4-6 feet

Weight: 140 lbs.


This group of porpoises are a costal group which live in cold temperate and subarctic waters of the northern hemisphere.

In case you didn't know:

The Harbour Porpoise is found in groups of five or less animals.

One case reported seeing 800 animals traveling in a group.

These porpoises are very difficult to find.

The Harbour Porpoise is a usually very quiet and shy animal.

This animal is one of the smallest cetaceans.

The Harbour Porpoise has a dorsal fin that is unlike any other small cetacean. The fin is a triangular fin with a slight curved trailing edge.

The female Harbour Porpoise may only give birth to 3 to 4 calves in her whole life time.

This porpoise is a small and chunky one.

Albinos are partial albinos have been spotted before but are rare.

There are 19-28 small, spade-shaped teeth on each side.