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Pterelas Appaloosas


Resculpted SM Native Dancer, portrait model, o/b Cathey Magill.

"Eyes Obviously Dreaming" Minor custom from the SM Native Dancer mold, photographed and o/b Laura Hill. to see more pics of Pterelas Ponies taken by Laura, click here!

The gal on the left is a repaint only on the SM Arabian mare, o/b Shannon Mohan. The cutie on the right is a repaint only on the SM standing foal (leg straightened) with pic taken before legs were done, o/b Mary-Ann Jantz.

Partially customized SM Native Dancer, shown along ways before completion, as a light golden sorrel blanket appy. o/b Laura Hill.

SM Quarter horse stallion, only half done here... painted chestnut w/ extended blanket and light brindling. o/b Karen Crossley.

SM New mold Stock horse, painted a dark red liver chestnut w/ snowflake blanket. High stockings, rabicano markers, and one blue eye! News flash: Bud's Bright Eyes was Reserve Champ for CM Halter in a recent live show!! What a guy! Not currently for sale.

SM Quarter horse stallion, painted a chestnut varnish roan with spots, then had a roany blanket added, with new, haloed spots. All the appy characteristics. Not currently for sale.

SM Seabiscuit painted a slightly roaned bay blanket appaloosa, with lots of big spots, and appy markings on his legs. o/b Jaci Hibbert.

SM Quarter horse stallion painted an extensive black blanket appy. Legs unfinished at this point... Sorry for the odd looking scan... For sale, see sale page


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