Portrait model, dapple grey SM Citation. "Exile", commissioned by Cathey Magill, o/b Jennifer Cameron. Scanner lies-horse is not blue!
SM Swaps, painted medium dapple grey. Unfinished here-legs given more shading since pic! o/b Bobbie Mosimann.
SM Arabian stallion, painted dark pointed rose grey. Has been changed a lot... Now has a forelock, dark mane and tail... Scanner doesn't like the white-he has much nicer shading than this pic shows. Currently on hold.
SM Seabiscuit, the first dapple grey I liked! Still haven't done his other side tho... Not for sale.
SM Seabiscuit, slightly customized, painted a dark dark blue roan. Currently on hold.
SM new mold Shetland pony, painted a chocolate silver dapple frosty roan. This color was copied directly from a picture... Aint's he purty? o/b Andrea Jackson.
SM Morgan stallion, painted dark brown bay roan. Since deceased.
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