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Pterelas Solid color and Rabicano Repaints!


SM Drafter, partially customized-head altered slightly and turned. Now a dark brown bay mare, o/b Devra Wolf..

SM Quarter horse stallion, customized by Rebekah Moberg into a mare, painted light sandy bay. o/b Rebekah M.

SM Seabiscuit, customized by Rebekah Moberg into a cutting horse, painted dark dapple brown bay. o/b Rebekah M.

"Spoonful of Sugar"
SM Morgan mare, painted a nice dark chocolately bay, with head and foreleg tucked. o/b Laura Hill, see more pics of her on Laura's page-click here!

SM Arabian mare, painted a red bay rabicano, neck brought out so she's facing forward, with new ears! Owned and photographed by Twyla Brower.

SM Thoroughbred mare, painted a rich mahogany bay, or seal brown. o/b Laura Hill, more pics of her here!

SM Swaps, head lowered, neck altered, some resculpting done to legs, new tail and braided mane. Whew! Painted a dapple red bay, o/b Cade Cannon.

SM new Andalusian, painted a dark red bay, with lots of white for an Andy... Incl. a big blaze you ca see peeking out from under his forelock, hindsocks and some white on the one forefoot! btw, that's a pink lip he's got, not a big gap in his muzzle! Currently for sale, see sale page.

"Midnight Blaz'n"
SM Swaps, painted a funky black sabino/rabicano, complete with two blue eyes! o/b Laura Hill, more pics of him here!


SM Thoroughbred mare, painted dark flaxen chestnut with rabicano markings. o/b Laura Hill. More pics of her here!

"My Heart's on Fire"
SM Morgan stallion, painted a nice flaxen chestnut. o/b Laura Hill. See more pictures of him here!

SM Swaps, head tucked and turned around, slightly resculpted mane, painted a flashy chocolate flaxen sorrel. For sale, see sale page

SM Thoroughbred mare, head turned almost all the way around, as if looking at a foal. Painted a light red flaxen sorrel. Not finished here, not currently for sale.

SM Morgan stallion, remade by Rebekah Moberg, painted by Pterelas into a nice red chestnut. o/b Rebekah.

SM Arabian stallion, major neck surgery, slightly carved head, straightened front leg and new mane and tail. Whew again! Painted a dark dark chocolate flaxen sorrel with rabicano markings and mufallas. Not currently for sale.


SM Draft horse, some work done on her face and legs, with a new mane and tail, now a light sorrel Jutland Draft horse. Owned and photographed by Twyla Brower.


SM Native Dancer, painted buckskin rabicano with markings bordering on sabino. Also slightly customized-head lowered. Not very far along here! o/b Laura Hill.

SM Quarter horse stallion, twisted about, lots of mass removed, plus new muscles carved in, along with some face carving and new mane and tail. Now a Highland Pony, in that pretty dun they come in. Still a fair bit from being finished. Not currently for sale.


SM Morgan stallion, a fair bit of reworking on him-lots of neck removed! New tail as well, now a Paso gelding, painted a very nicely shaded palomino. o/b Jaci Hibbert.

SM Quarter horse stallion, head tucked, with new mane and tail, painted a flashy caramel palomino... Great shading on this gal! Yup, looks like a mare at this point... Still unfinished. o/b Laura Hill.

"Brilliant Medallion"
SM Native Dancer again, this time whittled away to resemble an Akhal Teke, complete with metallic coat and hooded eyes! o/b Laura Hill, see more pics of her here!


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