SM Quarter horse stallion, painted dapple chestnut tobiano. Tail to come! o/b Laura Hill.
SM Arab stallion painted buckskin tobiano, has placed in live showing. o/b Mary-Ann Jantz.
SM Seabiscuit, head tucked, painted a brown bay tobiano, sold on ebay to Gerry Lowe.
SM Seabiscuit again, this one with head stretched out a bit, new mane and tail, painted a red bay fancy tobiano, a portrait of a real, very pretty mare. o/b Jaci Hibbert.
SM Shetland pony mold, painted a silver dapple bay tobiano. Not done in this picture. Has a blue eye on his off side! o/b Karen Crossley.
SM Swaps, painted a shaded chestnut tobiano. Not quite done here. Donated to Keystone Live Show in Manitoba, won by Karen Crossley.
SM Swaps again, this one with a head tuck, painted a dark dark bay tobiano. Sold to Twyla Brower.
SM Shetland pony, remade by Rebekah Moberg, painted by Pterelas into a buckskin tobiano. Neat li'l fellow... Not quite done here. o/b Rebekah.
SM Quarter horse mare, painted a dark bay rabicano tovero. o/b Jaci Hibbert.
SM Saddlebred, head tucked and with a new tail, painted a dark bay tobiano. Has been live shown to a reserve championship! o/b Jaci Hibbert.
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