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1906 Canada Census

While every effort has been made to ensure only accurate information is contained in these pages, this should not be considered a finished document - this is a work in progress, being uploaded in the hopes of verifying information. I am more than happy to share my sources, and welcome any additional info! If what you have is different than me, I'd love to know about it!

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Date when filled: July 17
Province: Saskatchewan
Sub-District Description: Townships 19, 20, 21 in Ranges 25 to 29 Inclusive, West of the 2nd Meridian
Sub-Distrct: 30B
Family Number: 217

Alex McPherson (Head, M) Age 73
Born Scotland. Married. Spouse's name: Sarah

Sarah McPherson (Wife, F) Age 70
Born Ontario. Married. Spouse's name: Alex

Hector McPherson (Son, M) Age 30
Born Ontario. Single. Father: Alex, Mother: Sarah.

Frank Parsons (Hired Man, M) Age 21
Born England. Single. Immigration Year: 1895