While every effort has been made to ensure only accurate information is contained in these pages, this should not be considered a finished document - this is a work in progress, being uploaded in the hopes of verifying information. I am more than happy to share my sources, and welcome any additional info! If what you have is different than me, I'd love to know about it!
0.James Lougheed, born 1796 (Sligo, Antrim, Ireland) Children of James Lougheed and Elizabeth Mary Montgomery:
Children of Jacob Lougheed and Eliza Jane McNeece:
Children of Charles Brown and Addie Lougheed:
Married Elizabeth Mary Montgomery (born ~ 1800) date unknown
Immigrated to Ontario 1831 with wife and two children
Known as "Etobicoke Jim"
Died March 22, 1868
Married Eliza Jane McNeece (born November 1, 1852) August 21, 1870 (Peel, ON)
Died September 12, 1909 (Simcoe Co., ON)
Married Charles Brown (born June 23, 1883) December 21, 1910 (Brownlee, SK)
Died March 21, 1945
1911 Census (Assiniboia, SK): Charles, Adelaine, hired hand
Died May 14, 1990 (Moose Jaw, SK)
Died December 18, 1989