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Here are some scans of older pieces I did, as many as several years ago. The other pieces shown on other pages are all younger than six months!

This Seabiscuit was my first mini customizing attempt I ended up keeping. I had originally planned to add mohair, but never got around to it. Painted a chestnut overo w/ blue eye. Done 1995.

This Ertl QH was painted buckskin overo, patterns used are found in the book Horse Color. He was actually originally grey overo, then bay... thick paint is testament to my wishy washiness! Done 1996.

This Morgan mare is quite old, and I was incredibly pleased by the way she turned out! Done before I knew about shading and highlights... She only has a little bit of shading on her face...

This SM Arab stallion was painted bay overo, from patterns I found in foal ads. He's another one I waffled on color-he used to be chestnut pinto... The first one I did that I really felt proud of-you can see I finally learned how to do pinto edging... Done in 1996 or 1997.

This SM Swaps was painted dapple bay tobiano. My first foray into the world of shading. I finally figured out that dapples came from a darker coat color on the top levels. I just liked the minimal tobiano pattern, thought it suited him. Looking at him now, I can't believe those dapples were so large!

This Rearing Ertl marks my first appy! As depicted quite nicely, I had no idea of spots patterning... just put a spot where I figured there should be a spot! Also done before I figured out how to do roaning... Done 1997.

My first dapple grey, done on a Citation mold. Done before I learned about patterns of shadow and panagre... tried to copy a photo, didn't work out too good... :) Blue, blue, blue! Done 1997.

This Ertl Thoroughbred was painted tobiano by a pattern I found in a magazine. One of my first, and I think also, one of my best tobianos. Could never get his other side to look right, tho... Done 1997.

Another Ertl QH, this one painted a slate grullo. He was my first attempt at alot of color blending! Done early 1998.

hope you enjoyed this trip down my memory lane!

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