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Pterelas Favorite Links!

Canadian Model Horse Pages

The Official Site of the Canadian Model Club & Registry! Club stuff, Live show reports, tons more!
The Great Canadian Model Horse Web Site! Tons an' tons of neato stuff!
Web page for Models Much, one of Canada's model horse magazines!
Carolynne Galye at Spitfire Stables. Lots 'n Lotsa Pictures!
Aislin Lackie. Cyberhorses, Model horse pics, salespage, sire/dam listing, lots more!


Color Genetics and Info:

General color genetics

The Brindle Horse Site, great information on all colors, esp. dilute factors. Also good info regarding foal coats and countershading.
Colors of the Turanian horse-good info, esp. on duns. Also info on metallic glows, champagne, bend-or spots and regular colors.
The Horse breeds and colors page-info on all breeds and their occuring colors.
Genetics q's and A's from rec. equestrian-some mis-information, but still good.
A Color Genetics page for Icelandics-very complete, some outdated info.
Photos of colorful Spanish Mustangs.
Icelandic Horses coat Colors-lots of pics, and a page with color names in other languages.
UC Davis Colors site-Lots and lots of really good information and pictures here.
Really good site for basic genetics information, also has comparitive diagrams.
The Model Horse Ped. Assignment webpage. LOTS of really good color genetics page links.

Arabian color genetics and odd colors
Starhold Farms Unusually colored Arabian picture page.
HAAP: Sabino Arab breeders. Includes some great pics and peds.
MSF Sheikh Habib-Rabicano Arab at stud.

Thoroughbred color genetics and odd colors

Red Fox Farm: Pinto Thoroughbred breeders
Info on Thoroughbred colors, including white.
Tri Chrome-overo Thoroughbred
Norsire Farms: Palomino, cremello and white Thoroughbreds
Gold Hope Farm: Palomino TBs and history of palomino TBs.
Painted Desert Farm-pinto Thoroughbreds (Prince Stanley/Airdrie Apache)
White Thoroughbred-Patchen Beauty
Pinto Thoroughbreds.
Patchen Beauty
Info on Palomino TBs

Colorful Sport Horses

Purebred pinto Hanoverian
Sport Horses of Color Association page
Pinto Trakehners
Pinto Trakehners

Pintos, Appaloosas

Info on Paints and pintos.
Appaloosa coat patterns info
Info on pintos

Other Specific breeds and odd colors

A Pinto Fjord!
Chestnut Andalusian (Chica).
Another Chestnut Andalusian!
Palomino Lusitatno
Medicine Hat Saddlebred stallion
True Roan Standardbred
Chestnut Friesian
Sabino Morgan stallion
Pinto, grey and roan old-time Hackneys
White Clydesdales-beware-in Polish!
The Spotted Draft horse page

Other specific colors

International Champagne Horse Registry
Champagne Horse Association
Champagne Gene Information Page
Info on Silver dapples
Info on Dominant White

Other Pages

Princess Shanaleia. Totally un-model related, but too cool to ignore! Pig, joke, webpage building and graphics links!