Old plastic, bay "Thoroughbred Lying and standing foals" (#5700), made from 1975 - 1976. Light legs and dark to black manes and tails.
Old plastic, black "Thoroughbred Lying and standing foals" (#5701), made from 1975 - 1976. Standing foal usually has socks, number may vary, lying foal usually does not.
Old plastic, chestnut "Thoroughbred Lying and Standing foals" (#5702), made from 1975 - 1976. Lighter overall color and lighter/same color as body mane/tail distinguish these from the bays.
Old plastic, dark bay foals from "Stable Set" (#3085), made from 1976 - 1980. *Usually* do not have socks. Darker color. Set sold with dark bay QH mare and dark bay QH stallion or Seabiscuit.
New plastic, bay pinto "Pinto mare and foal" (#59972), made from 1997 on. Came with dark bay overo Arab mare.
New plastic, buckskin "Morgan mare and foal" (#59971), made from 1997 on. Came with buckskin Morgan stallion.
New plastic, light sorrel "Arabian mare and foal" (#59974), made from 1997 on. Came with light sorrel Arabian stallion.
New plastic, bay blanket appies, 1998 Sears SRs. Little or no facial shading.