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Screenshots from Final Fantasy Mod

Red Aya made by Squall

Cloud made by Squall and Edgar
Yellow Aya made by Squall
Squall skin made by Squall and Omniblade.
Buster Sword made by Seifer
Pic of Blue Aya made by Squall
Pic of Green Aya made by Squall
Pic of Aya made by Squall
Pic of Zell made by Sebulba(HOV)
Pic of Laguna made by Sebulba(HOV)
Pic of Garden Squall made by Omniblade
Pic of Heaven Knight torso made by Templar
Pic of High Wind Level made by Tal Ged-Ma

Come see the pics of the Finl Fantasy RPG by Jpmull and Moneyobie