Andreas_K: hey guys 
Andreas_K: start the questions!! 
Andreas_K: hehe 

sepVIKING: What's that all about Rollins or Biafra doing guest vocals? 
Andreas_K: Henry Rolling can't do it cause he is working on
a new album and a movie 

sepVIKING: Ok... will Jello do it? 
Andreas_K: so, Jello Biafra will be the one to do the speech on POLITRIX 

sepVIKING: Great!! When will it be recorded? 
Andreas_K: probably next week 
Andreas_K: the same time we'll be mixing the album 

Daniel_Se: How many songs will have derrick playing the guitar? 
Andreas_K: DANIEL: none! 

Daniel_Se: How many songs will be on the nw album? 
Andreas_K: DANIEL : arround 14, but we'll have a better idea after mixing 

Leo--: Andreas: how are Igor lyrics? 
Andreas_K: LEO: Great, he worked on 2 lyrics: Sepultunation with DErrick and One Man Army 

Teykal: [Andreas_K] do you know which songs you will play at Rock in Rio III?at Rock in Rio III? 
Andreas_K: TEYKAL: not yet, we're gonna have a practice then we'll decide it.. 

Daniel_Se: When are you planning the first tour? first us tour? 
Andreas_K: DENIEL: we don't know about the tour yet... we
 have an offer to play in a festival in Japan in march, but
 it's not confirmed yet 

Teykal: ok! 
sepVIKING: Daniel... calm down man... let the others ask questions. 

Leo--RJ: Andreas: Did he make One Man Army lyrics alone? 
Andreas_K: LEO: yah 

SwenSepul: my Question would be: what was the thing during
 writing/recording that was VERY DIFFERENT from any 
previous recording session? 
Andreas_K: SWEN: everything, specially Derrick's participation 

Vini-Dust: cool... could Kodo be there(on the japanese festival) too? 
Andreas_K: VINI: I hope so 

Daniel_Se: did Derrick write most of the lyrics for the new album? 
Andreas_K: DANIEL: no, was between me Derrick and Igor, most of the stuff me and Derrick 

Vini-Dust: Andreas: I'd love to see you guys jamming with Kodo live :) 

Sepulmanz: How did the working with Apocalyptica go? 
Andreas_K: SEPULMAN: great, I've sent them the theme on the
 acoustic guistars and the arranjed and recorded everything
 with the 4 cellos 
Andreas_K: SEPULMAN, they recorded it in Finland 

sepVIKING: Andreas - I've heard of Dr. Israel participating on Nation. What will he do and how did you find out about this guy? 
Andreas_K: he will participate on that and we have a song that's like an unfinished song and he's gonna put his ideas
 on it 

Daniel_Se: Andreas have you ever thought of a Sepultura and Apocalyptica tour? 
Andreas_K: DANIEL: yes, it can happen 

Teykal: Is it true that Derrick's vocals are in a wide range and some vocals are almost melodic? 
Andreas_K: TEYKAL: yes 

Leo--RJ: Andreas: who are the other guests (IF there are others)? 
Andreas_K: LEO: besides Apocaplyptica we have Marinho from Pavilhao 9 playing bass on UMA CURA, we have Dener from a 
band called Infierno playing acoustic bass on WATER.. and 
Jello Biafra 

SwenSepul: Are there any chances to see a performance of Apocalyptica with Sepultura together .. maybe even something like Metallica's S&M album? 
SwenSepul: (releasing that album) 
Andreas_K: SWEN: yeah, there's a chance.. but it will be 
much better than Metallica and the S&M thing 

Vini-Dust: Andreas: do you have any idea of releasing a live album(double?) soon ? 
Andreas_K: VINI: we don't know yet 

Teykal: [Andreas_K] what do you know about the idea of a SepulArmyidea of a SepulArmy 
Andreas_K: TEYKAL: we are preparing a great campaing to
 promote the album with the fans all over the world, you 
guys will know soon 

Leo--RJ: Andreas: which new songs are you going to play at Rock In Rio? 
Andreas_K: LEO: I think we're gonna play 2 new songs, one
 of them is Sepulnation and the other one we'll figure out
 when we practice 

Daniel_Se: Andreas would you consider doing an Ozzfest or TTE tour again? 
Andreas_K: DANIEL: yes, we're ready to play any festival 

TimHa: are there any cool stories from the TTE tour? 
Andreas_K: TIM: a cool story that we met Stewart Copeland 
but unfortunatly we cannot work together on this album 
cause of a lack of time 

Teykal: [Andreas_K] will you guys begin the tour with Brazil again???ith Brazil again??? 
Andreas_K: TEYKAL: we don't know yet 

SwenSepul: another Q: Will the band consider checking the Sepultribe forum more often and post some stuff from time 
to time? 
Andreas_K: SWEN: we'll try to do more : ) 

sepVIKING: ANDREAS - Which of the "new" bands impresses you
 the most? Which ones you think SUCK? 
Andreas_K: ERIC: I like HATEBREED a lot, hopefully we'll be touring together 

Leo--RJ: Andreas: Do you think Fluminese will be the next
 Brazilian Champion? :) 
Andreas_K: LEO: fuck no 
Teykal: [Leo--RJ] hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha 
SwenSepul: SPFC!!!!! 
SwenSepul: :) 
Andreas_K: Ae Swen!! good one 

Leo--RJ: Andreas: talk a bit about the song you, derrick 
and paulo play 3 different kind of basses... 
Leo--RJ: no guitars on that song? 

Andreas_K: LEO: it's a song called WATER, there's only 
basses and drums and sounds like Pink Floyd 

sepVIKING: Andreas - Will NATION feature something 
radically different from what we're used to hear from 
Andreas_K: ERIC: yes, we always bring something new 

Daniel_Se: Andreas ever thought about working with STOMP? 
sepVIKING: I know... like a 3-basses song for
 instance...hehe. :o) 
Leo--RJ: Andreas: does it mean 4 people playing bass on that song? with Dener... 
Andreas_K: LEO: yes 

Daniel_Se: Does Estevam have any questions? 
Andreas_K: [ERS] just asked him something, he's going to
 meet Paul Booth after the chat and probably get a new 

Teykal: [Andreas_K] And what about the flag for the 
SepulNAtion and the new logo?? how is that like?? how is 
that like?? 
Andreas_K: TEYKAL: surprise! 

SwenSepul: Are there any dates for the first single/video? 
Andreas_K: SWEN: we're trying to put out the video before RiR, at least in Brasil, let's see what happen 

Daniel_Se: Who has the most tattoos in theband? 
Andreas_K: DANIEL: Igor 

SwenSepul: Are there any thought about releasing a live 
video? cause ALOT of people are looking for live stuff with Derrick... 
SwenSepul: (thoughts) 
Andreas_K: SWEN: probably after the Nation tour we'll have good material 

Leo--RJ: Andreas: is that video already recorded? 
Andreas_K: LEO: no 

sepVIKING: Andreas - Has Roadrunner any big plans for the promo of the new album, like a digipack, a boxset or 
Andreas_K: ERIC: yes 

Daniel_Se: Are there any side project going on right now 
with the band members or any planned? 
Andreas_K: DANIEL: I am working on another movie soundtrack together with the giutar player and drummer from Tităs 

Leo--RJ: Andreas: why don't you play "Under Siege" any 
more? wouldn't that song fit perfectly Derrick's voice, 
giving it a new taste? 
Andreas_K: LEO: We'll think about it 

Leo--RJ: Andreas: is that soundtrack about the movie of the
 book he wrote? 
Andreas_K: LEO: yes 

SwenSepul: Are there any songs contributed to upcoming 
soundtracks/compilations planned from the band or the 
label? (new songs) 
Andreas_K: SWEN: not yet 

Leo--RJ: Andreas: How many b-sides songs do you have? Do 
you have any song written by the band that will do a b-side? 
Andreas_K: LEO: 4, we have 3 covers Bela Lugosi is Dead
 from Bauhaus, Anihilixion from Crucifix Rise above from 
Black Flag 
Andreas_K: LEO: ...and Roots Bloddy Roots live from a show recorded in Michigan during TTE 

Daniel_Se: Andreas is there a City or Country that you 
havent played yet that you would like to play? 
Andreas_K: DANIEL: South Africa 

Daniel_Se: Andreas have you ever played in China? 
Andreas_K: DANIEL: no 

Teykal: [Andreas_K] which of those covers will appear i the 
Brazilian version of the album with bonus tracks as 
always?? tracks as always?? 
Andreas_K: TEYKAL: we don't know yet 

SwenSepul: could you give any hints about the BIG SUPRISE
 for the Nation release?? we're all excited to hear more :) 
Andreas_K: SWEN: no 
Andreas_K: heheh 

sepVIKING: When is the last time you guys played Boycott live? 
Andreas_K: ERIC: it was during the Against tour 

Leo--RJ: Andreas: do you think NATION will be the best 
Sepultura album? 
Andreas_K: LEO: I think so 
Andreas_K: hehehehe 

Teykal: [Andreas_K] that song you played in the last
 against show in Via Funchal SP, my acceptance.... what 
song is that now? i mean it actual namemean it actual name
Andreas_K: TEYKAL: it's called REJECT and it changed a bit 

sepVIKING: Andreas- Have you heard Soulfly's "Primitive"? Just wondering... 
Andreas_K: ERIC: yes I did, I thought it was a good album 

Andreas_K: thanks for coming in and see you all on tour!!! 
Andreas_K: That's all guys, see ya! 
Andreas_K: Falo!!!