Ashley James Pike, aka "Ash"
Clan:Malkavian Generation:9th
Nature:Judge Demeanor:Bravo
Physical Attributes: Strength OOO Dexterity OOOO Stamina OOOO
Social Attributes: Charisma OO Manipulation OO Appearance O
Mental Attributes: Perception OO Intelligence OOO Wits OOO
Talents: Alertness OO Dodge OO Intimidation OOOO Subterfuge O
Skills: Etiquette O Firearms OOO Melee OOO Performance OOOO Repair OO Security OO
Knowledges: Investigation O Politics OO Science OO
Disciplines: Dementation OO Obfuscate OO Celerity OO
Backgrounds: Generation OOOO Resources OO
Virtues: Conscience OOO Self-Control OO Courage OOOOO
Merits: Daredevil (3) Luck (3)
Flaws: Lunacy(2) Hunted(4)
Derangements: Sanguinary Animism
Humanity: OOOOO
Willpower:: OOOOOO |
Out Of Character Info about Ash:
Ash is the character I play online in the White Wolf's official online chronicle "Necropolis by Night". He's actually the second character I played - the first was a Tremere whom I stopped playing because of the elitist/fascist views of the majority of players who control the high-and-mighty Tremere characters. Through my own personal experience and correspondence with those clique members who claim to be its "leaders" (and I do use that term loosely), I have found that if they don't approve of your character CONCEPT (your background, your character's life before the embrace, his job, his attitudes/associates, his hair color), you are blacklisted until you comply with what the Tremere Players Association (henceforth referred to simply as the TPA) wants you to play, regardless of your own ideas/opinions. You are ignored by most of the other Tremere players in this little clique. The TPA propoganda page spews forth some drivel about how they hold their Tremere players to the highest standards. In common parlance, it means the control freaks on top of the little pyramid want to stay on top, and will do what they can (in- and out-of-character) to make sure the hierarchy of their precious little pyramid maintains the status quo. (Funny, that. It almost sounds like they BELIEVE they ARE Tremere....)
If you don't belong to the Tremere Players Association then your character is not recognised as "existing" by most players who do belong to the TPA, thus significantly reducing your opportunities for roleplay within your own clan. That is assuming, of course, that the TPA doesn't declare your character "rogue Tremere" and have the Tremere Justicar or Archons (all of whom, conveniently, are controlled by the TPA) hunt the character down and kill it. They really aren't a nice bunch to play with (read: TWINKS) with a few exceptions, which is why I scrapped my original concept after a month's worth of gaming and decided to play a different Clan altogether just to get away from them. As an aside, I would suggest (nay, BEG) any newcomers to Necropolis NOT play a Tremere character unless they feel like bending over backwards to every whim and fancy of the TPA, lest their character be killed.....rather, pick a Clan that will allow you to play whatever CONCEPT you want, and enjoy yourself. Entertainment and fun are the reasons most people come to play at Necropolis (except for the PowerGamers, Twinks, and Control Freaks).
Ash's Links
Necropolis by Night Online Game
Rules for play on NbN
More rules for play on NbN
Clan Malkavian Homepage for NbN
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