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Chip Stone's Official Home Page

QUOTE: "Hey there Cammie boy, you gonna be a team player? There is no "I" in team, you know...."(...followed by sounds of a merciless beating...)

Chip's Description

Chip is your classic University Football jock - big, bold, good looking and arrogant. Blue eyes and a blonde brushcut frame a square lantern jaw. Tall (6'5") and muscular (#245), tanned and ripped to the bone, he's an imposing physical specimen. What would anyone expect? This is the best body that money for cutting-edge steroids can buy, all courtesy of the Alumni Association. The mixed blood of his Creation had some strange effects on his steroid-filled body, and manifested itself by increasing his physical stature to almost freakish proportions, and leaving Chip with a (near) permanent case of 'Roid Rage.

Chip's Embrace

As an all-star linebacker with the University of Notre Dame Fighting Irish, he had the world in the palm of his hand. Money, cars, girls - all provided to him by the teams' many wealthy alumni. Assured of a high pick in the upcoming NFL Draft, he returned to his parent's home in Winnipeg to await the news from his agent. Two days before the draft he was out at the local mall, Polo Park, to catch a movie. As he and a few friends stood in line outside the theatres, there was a tremendous commotion on the lower level. Looking over the railing, Chip spotted a group of punks roughing up some customers. The 16-year-old security guard was in way over her head, and one of the guys had her with her arms pinned behind her back.

Chip rushed to the main floor, determined not to let these trash ruin HIS moments of glory (and maybe get some free press coverage to drive up his value in the draft). He grabbed the guy with his hands around the security guard, and was subsequently thrown across the hall into a nearby fountain.

Drawing himself out of the water, he wondered how such a scrawny kid could be so strong. He grabbed the little bastard and landed a solid punch to the face, gristle and bone crumbling under the crushing weight of his blow. The punk wasn't laughing any more and he crumpled to the ground, but amazingly he got back up, grinning through trickle of blood flowing down his face. One of the older women who accompanied these punk kids grabbed him from behind, and he was overcome by excruciating pain. He screamed as his arms were bent...twisted behind his back. He couldn't bring his arms around to defend himself, so he lashed out with his feet, scoring a few solid kicks and even a headbutt. Handicapped as he was, he couldn't hold out for long, and was taken down in a wave of bodies.

He felt his body being twisted...molded...and soon he couldn't move at all. He could see his captors standing over him, laughing. One brought out a chainsaw and began carving into Chip with it, and the others were talking about how much "fun" he was. Chip blacked out from the pain. He was barely aware that they dragged him outside and threw him in a dank, musty pit. One of them untangled his limbs from the knot they were in and began forcing some hot, metallic liquid down his throat. He sputtered and spit, and then as the pain started to ebb (why wasn't he dead yet?) they began to throw dirt on him. He tried to climb out of the pit, but was caught squarely between the eyes with a spade as he tried to climb out. The moist earth felt very cold....

<b>Chip's Statistics</b>

Chip's Statistics


Chip Stone
Clan: Pander
Generation: 12th
Nature: Survivor
Demeanor: Bravo
Blood: OOOO
Willpower: OO
Physical Traits:
Athletic O
Brawny OOO
Quick OOO
Resiliant OOO

Social Traits:
Intimidating OO
Gorgeous O
Alluring O
Charismatic O
(Callous OOO)
(Condescending OO)
Mental Traits:
Alert O
Disciplined O
Vigilant O
Knowledgable O

Potence OOO
Celerity OO
Fortitude OO
Obfuscate O
Brawl OO
Leadership OO
Streetwise O

University O

Iron Will
Short Fuse

Crimson Rage

Power & Inner Voice
Path Traits:

Out Of Character Info about Chip:

Chip is the character I play (infrequently, unfortunately) in my friend Sharene's local Sabbat LARP. The Chronicle is called First Wave: The Winnipeg Crusade. A link to the official Web Site can be found below. Chip was the first character I played that was a real physical powerhouse - all of my previous characters were Tremere, Toreador, and Giovanni - and all specialized in mental/social arena. In Chip I saw a prototypical young Sabbat vampire - weak in generation as a result of mixed-blood breeding, heavy in physical Traits and Disciplines because he is an expendable soldier. If Chip dies serving the Sabbat in the capacity of walking juggernaut, there's dozens more like him waiting in line to fill the gap he leaves and continue the fight against the Camarilla. Being a front-line war machine, I never expected him to last so long.....

Links to other places on my Web Page

First Wave: The Winnipeg Crusade (A Winnipeg-based Sabbat LARP)
My Winnipeg LARP Page
Other Characters I play
About the Author
