Thrud the Troll
Race: Troll
Power: O
Weapon Skills: 1-Handed Smashing 2-Handed Smashing Death Blow, 2-handed Shield
Magic Items: Magical Maul (Shieldbreaker 3x day) Magic Ring (heals 2 Wounds 1x day) Magic Ring (1 extra Power per day) Magic Neclace (1 extra level of armour) Wand of Lightning (30 charges, 3 Wounds damage) |
Other Skills: Armoring Field Repair Speak New Eraman Appraise Goods Disarm Swimming Speak Language (Eraman) Speak Language (Gautari)
Advantages: Immense Strength Regeneration (Troll-like) Stony Skin Steely Limbs Financial Status (3)
Disadvantages: Prone to Rage Gargantuan Appetite
Out Of Character Info about Thrud:
Thrud is the character I play in our local HAVOK! game. HAVOK! is a live action/live combat game created by some friends of mine. Basically, it's like playing Dungeons and Dragons, but without the dice. You acts as your character would, and interact with the world by acting, not with a pen and dice. I usually play him at the games, particularly the weekend-long games. I also do quite a bit of "monstering" - putting on a monster mask and beating the tar out of the rest of the Player Characters's.
Thrud is one of the founding members of House Scardia (an small Eraman Mercenary House), along with Thorne, Meg, and Wolfshead.
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