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<title>Welcome to CAMP NEW HORIZONS!</title>
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<h1 align="center">Welcome to CAMP NEW HORIZONS!</h1>

<!--Freetext-->It's the year after all the "immoral" campers have been eliminated at Camp Rolling Hills.  Maria Nicastro, victim of a lower-class society, steps groggily from her inner-city apartment building "at six-thirty in the f***ing morning".  She starts walking for the bus which will take her to Camp New Horizons, "an experiment in sharing".

She never makes it, however.  Suddenly, a Mack truck seems to come from nowhere and try as she can to avoid it, Maria runs into an alley.  The truck follows her, and soon there's nowhere to run.  The Mack truck crushes Maria Nicastro.<!--EndFreetext-->


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<img src="images/mack.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right">
<font size="5">Imposter...of Maria Nicastro!</font>
<!--Freetext-->A girl stops the truck and gets out of the driver's seat.  Amazingly, she is almost identical to Maria and even wears the same clothes and has the same hairstyle.  Calmly, the girl shoves Maria into the trash-compacting compartment of the Mack, then pulls the handle.  Soon, Maria is ground round and no evidence is left.

Next, you see the girl from the Mack sitting by the curb.  A bus marked "Camp New Horizons" pulls up.  The girl puts on her dark glasses, grabs her bag and slaps her hands, signifying a job well done.  The bus drives away...and we can all see that "Angela IS BACK!"<!--EndFreetext-->

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<font size="5">An experiment in sharing...killing techniques!</font>
<!--Freetext-->Angela returns to her old stomping ground, (under-wraps as Maria Nicastro), only to find that it's now managed by two inept idiots who can't do anything: Herman and Lily Miranda.  He's making moves with some rich girl, and she does nothing but sit around all day.  This isn't even the worst of it...Shawn Whitmore's (Unhappy Campers) father is a cop, and he's come to be a counsellor.  It certainly starts out with everything stacking against Angela...but it won't be that way for long.  The mouthy reporter Tawny Richards notices Angela doesn't look like everybody else..."due to massive drugs".  A cokehead, Tawny asks Angela to hook her up with a hit.  Angela is only too happy to oblige..."but you never can tell if the stuff is pure".  Tawny ends up dead because she snorted Drano.  Angela's first victim.

Campsite assignments are given...on the whole, the two other groups seem OK.  But Angela says it best of her own group: "Why did I think this year was going to be any different???"  Already, she has dispatched two of her group members: Herman Miranda, the pervert (with a stick through the head) and slutty Jan (hit over the head with the same stick, to be burned).  So, how much worse could things get?

Bad enough for Angela to kill the two other losers she's been put with.  Peter tosses firecrackers around for kicks, and Snoboy spraypaints everything in sight. When darkness rolls in and everyone's asleep, Angela crawls out of her tent and carefully creeps over to Peter and Snoboy.  She sticks a firecracker in Peter's nose, and grabs a lighter.  The wick hisses as the flame nears Peter's nose.  Suddenly, Snoboy opens his eyes.  His expression changes from sleepiness to shock to terror as the flame gets to the end of the wick, and then suddenly there's an explosion.<!--EndFreetext-->

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<img src="/images/balloons.gif" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right">
<font size="5">Batter up!</font>
<!--Freetext-->Snoboy is clubbed in the head with the stick before he can even say anything.  Angela calmly drags him into Herman's tent, where the corpse of Jan is resting.  Without blinking an eye, Angela douses the tent in gasoline and lights up another of Peter's firecrackers.  You can hear Snoboy scream as she tosses the flare at the tent, causing spontaneous combustion.

Throughout the rest of the movie, Angela does her job of eliminating more "immoral" campers.  Arab is decapitated, Cindy is launched from a flagpole, Lily gets her head cut off with a lawnmower, Bobby gets his arms ripped off by a jeep, Riff has tent pegs pounded into his body, Officer Whitmore gets shot, and Greg and Anita get killed with axes to the midsection.  Tony and Marcia are the only ones to survive.

But it looks like Angela could have gotten added to the dead...at the end, Marcia stabs Angela and cuts into her midsection with an axe in a furious catfight.  Tony stops Marcia in just enough time so Angela doesn't die...at least, right away.

Angela's being hauled to the nearest hospital in the back of an ambulance.  The police officer thinks they should kill Angela, but he doesn't really have time to do anything.  Ever-vigilant Angela stabs the medic with a syringe, and stabs the officer in the eye with a syringe.

By the end of the movie, we don't know whether Angela lives or dies, but she truly has proved that she's "just takin' care of business"!<!--EndFreetext-->

