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Full name: Bowser Koopa
"Team": Bad.
Age: In real years around 15, but appears much older in cartoon. Plus, he's a father.
Hair: Orange.
Eyes: Can't tell...
Clothes: He's a turtle, he doesn't wear any clothes! :)
Handed: Ummmm...
Parents: Mommy Bowser is mentioned once in a cartoon or comic, I forget which one.
Place of Residence: The Mushroom Kingdom, but would fit right in Long Island, New York, though. :)
Race: Koopa? Turtle? Bowser? I'm not sure what the formal title is, but he is a giant turtle of the Koopa Family named Bowser. Personality: Usually the villian, but he is a "good" character in SMRPG. He normally everything evil in The Mushroom Kingdom.
Games Featured in: Many.
Bowser is a favorite among fans. He is the villian you either love to hate or love to love. So far, Bowser has never won, but that could always change...