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Donkey Kong

Full name: Donkey Kong
"Team": Bad in the Mario games he has appeared in.
Age: Since the first ever Mario game-- Donkey Kong in 1981.
Hair: Covered in brown thick hair.
Eyes: Brown, I believe.
Clothes: A DK tie. If you watch the DK cartoon, you'll know that he has at least ten of these ties.
Handed: His ape skills allow him to use both hands just as well.
Parents: Mrs. and Mr. Donkey Kong. Seems to have relations with: DK Jr., Diddy, Candy, Cranky, Funky, Lanky, Chunky, and many other, Kongs.
Place of Residence: Congo Jungle.
Race: He's a gorilla.
Personality: He's a pretty tough banana. Is known for his HUGE banana stash, and often has to get them back.
Games Featured in: DK, DK 1, 2, and 3, for the SNES, DKC, Super Smash Bros., Mario Party...

Although only breifly in Mario fame, he has played an important part of Mario's history.