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Full name: Geno
"Team": Good
Age: If you care, you should get a life.
Hair: It's funny looking. :)
Eyes: Umm... big.
Clothes: He dressed like an Elf! An Elf I tell you!
Handed: Yeah...
Parents: The Heavens
Place of Residence: Star Road, Mushroom Planet
Race: Spirit
Personality: More mature than his little bro, Smithy, Geno is the "good" brother, who saves the day and whatever.
Games Featured in: Super Mario RPG

He gets to grant wishes... isn't he lucky? He is the form of a doll boy. Okay, now how dumb is that? If I were a spirit, and I could take the form of ANYTHING, would I take the form of a doll boy? If I were inhaling cleaning solvent, maybe... Which makes me wonder... is Geno on crack? Or maybe heroin? Also he has a move called the "Geno Boost"... is he on Pep Pills? What a warped game... Man, this makes Smithy look NORMAL...