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This is where Mario sites will be rated. This is opinion only. The other section will have Affiliate Links, Special Mention Links, Gaming Links, and other Miscellaneous Links.

Rated Mario Sites:

The Mushroom Kingdom
Look: 9/10- It follows a nice, simple layout, and uses some Java script nicely.
Originality: 8/10- Some stuff you haven't seen anywhere else. A great section on Japanese/English differences, a bugs glitches sections, and other assorted originality.
Content: 9/10- Wow. No where else can you find so much info on almost every game. Also, TMK, is a great reference for Animated Gifs and Theme Packs.
Updates: 7/10- Ouch... at only once every 5 days, TMK kinda struggles in this area, and when he does update, the updates aren't exactly huge. I can understand that, almost, as it is becoming hard to find new Mario content.
Overall: 8/10- A good score. If he could pull off updates more often, the site would easily be a 9. *_*EDITOR'S CHOICE*_*

MHQ Look: 7.5/10- The look is okay. I really don't enjoy frames, but the graphic use brings this score up.
Originality: 8/10- Creative names, and a lot old things, and a few new things.
Content: 8.5/10- As Ice puts it "There is just a lot of stuff." This is true, as evident by the many choices on the main page.
Updates: 9/10- Ice is a busy man, but he usually snaps off about 3 updates a week.
Overall: 8/10- To be exact, an 8.3. A good score, but the site is still fledgling, as is mine. Once it starts to pick up steam, it shoul do better. Still... *_*EDITOR'S CHOICE*_*
