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Full name: Luigi Mario
"Team": Good.
Age: In real years, 18, and appears that in the movie, but older in the cartoon.
Hair: Black.
Eyes: Blue.
Clothes: The most famous costume is his green overalls, and blue shirt, brown shoes. Also wore Fire Suit, Frog Suit... etc.
Handed: Left handed?.
Parents: Unknown.
Place of Residence: New York, The Mushroom Kingdom.
Race: Human.
Personality: Not as gluttonous as Mario, though he'll never turn down a good Italian meal. Luigi is more patient than Mario, and usually thinks with his brain rather then is stomach. Also, he looks before he leaps, unlike Mario.
Games Featured in: A lot... trust me.

Luigi has always been neglected, and never really given a chance. This is funny, because in most games, (excluding Mario 2!) he has better speed, control, and jump. Somehow, the plumber in red has always been more popular.