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Full name: Mallow
"Team": Good
Age: Heh.
Hair: Heh.
Eyes: Heh.
Clothes: Heh.
Handed: Heh.
Parents: King and Queen Nimbus
Place of Residence: Nimbus
Race: He hails from Nimbus... so is he a Nimbusil? Nimbusian? I dunno.
Personality: A nice dude... once you get to know him, but don't let that marshmallow thing he's got going fool you... he's a tough little Nimbusil, I mean Nimbusian, I mean Nimbu, I mean, oh nevermind...
Games Featured in: Super Mario RPG

Can change the weather... don't ask... His parents were stolen by the evil Valentina (Mwa haha!) and Mallow would be more than glad to get them back. Yay... go him.