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Princess Toadstool

Full name: Princess Peaches Toadstool
"Team": You try to rescue her in the name of good.
Age: The many different Princesses date back to the first game that included Mario, Donkey Kong.
Hair: Blondish-orange, black in the original and Pocket GameBoy. :)
Eyes: Deep blue eyes... ahh... ;)
Clothes: A repetitive pink dress.
Handed: Beat's me. This catagory is kinda stupid.
Parents: The King, who is seen on occasion, most notably Mario 3.
Place of Residence: The Mushroom Kingdom.
Race: Humanoid Toad, I'd guess.
Personality: The sweetheart Mario always must save... almost redundant, but I hear Peach is nice. :) Just kidding. You really don't learn much about Peaches through the course of the games, just thta she is the annual Damsel in Distress
Games Featured in: Most of them.

Peach is the poor Princess who always gets captured. You'd think her being the Princess that she'd spend some of that 8.3 billion dollar budget on defense, but noooo...