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Current Staff

Pengwin21a: He made the site. He usually updates the site. He responds to most of your email unless game specific. He is the Webmaster, hear him roar.

Favorite Part of Site: Fan Area
Favorite Other Mario Site: That's tough. It's probably a toss up between the SMBHQ sites, TMK, or NintendoLand.
Personal Quote: "You can dooo it!"- Some strange guy from The Waterboy

Craig341: The Mario Party Man. Ask him anything-- I bet he knows the answer. Truly an expert at the game.

Favorite Part of Site: -
Favorite Other Mario Site: -
Personal Quote:-

Super MaRPGio: A very opinionated member of THAOM staff, Super MaRPGio is never afraid to share his opinions-- and argue with those who choose to disagree.
Favorite part of site: Everywhere
Favorite Mario sites: TMK, SMBHQ
Personal Quote: "Everyone has at least two sides. Good and evil."