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Games Main Page Story Fans Links Specials E-Mail Pengwin

7-9-99: Hey peoples! Sorry for not updating in the last few days, but I will always try to update AT LEAST every 5 days. The reason that I haven't had much time is because of my involvement in a play, and that I've been helping to relaunch of! You may remember that this site closed down a bit a go. Well, now it is under new management, and new staff. I am proud to be a staff writer for, and I may even be helping with some HTML. The other thing is that I have started a NEW site! Staffie Super MaRPGio and I are co-webmastering a new site. We can't tell you what'll it be about exactly, but it will have to do with a recent N64 game... But enough about where I've been. There is a nice sized update which includes the beginning of a glitch section (it might not be on until later tonight though) and the near completion of the Characters section! Siyanora Mario Heads!
7-4-99: For all of you in the US, Happy 4th! I'm just here to explain the situation at the moment. The N64 section is coming along quickly, and soon will be one of the most informative guides on all Mario-related N64 games! I also added an Opinion, by our new staff, Opinion Writer, Super MaRPGio! Super knows quite a bit about Mario, and this opinion is much talked about, but still interesting. Also, I still need one or two people to help around the site! I'd love to have an expert at Super Mario RPG on my hands, as I must admit, I was never very good at that game, and I need someone who has graphical skills. If you fit those descriptions, send a sample of a Walkthru you might do, or some of your best artwork, respectively, to my mailbox!
Hey! you probably won't hear much of me for a while, as I'm working pretty hard on the N64 section. But, I've added the next chapter to the Ongoing Story. (link below)
-Added a second chapter to the Ongoing Story. What will happen next? Only you decide!
- Sorry for the recent lack of updates... I've been here working, but haven't put what I've done on the main page!
- Today the GameBoy section was almost fully completed.
- I've added the Archive section. Find old updates there.
- The Ongoing Story has begun. Find it in the Fans section, and also in the Story section.
- Many sections are up, just not linked. Expect these sections (including reader reviews and rumors) to be linked in the near future!
- I've added information to the 'E-Mail Pengwin' page (the flower.) Find out the many ways to get a hold of me!
- The N64 page should be completed soon as well. Also, I hope to have the Virtual Boy page done by the end of the month, at the latest.