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Full name: Yoshi
"Team": Good.
Age: Since Super Mario Bros. for the SNES.
Hair: Red mane type thing.
Eyes: Whenever I ask him he hops up and down, and I can't tell.
Clothes: A red saddle... hey whadda you expect, he's a dinosaur!
Handed: His hands are basically useless.
Parents: Mama Yoshi and Papa Yoshi, most likely.
Place of Residence: The Mushroom Kingdom.
Race: The dinosaur-like Yoshi's.
Personality: A hungry little Yoshi is Yoshi, like your GameBoy Pocket/Color comes in many colors, from the classic green to blue to red, to white to black... Yoshi also speaks fluent Yoshi. (as do I) Here is a sample. Ahem... "Yoshi! Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi?" Translation: "Hi! How are you doing today?"
Games Featured in: Yoshi's Safari, Yoshi's Story, both SNES Mario games, Smash Bros., Mario Party, Yoshi's Cookie, Yoshi, even appears in Zelda 4.

Even though Yoshi actually debuted AFTER Luigi, Yoshi has been highly-marketed, and has had a few of his own games. Is this fair...?