Sublime2 was built for Battle Bots vegas, He did the best out of all my robots so far, but I can't say how good until the series airs
Gremlin2 was built for Battle Bots Sanfran. He had a chainsaw for wepon
KNOME2 was my heavy weight Battle Bot. He was built more as a joke than for competing. He was Shown on Comedy Centrals Battle Bots, Series 1.
Sublime was built for Bot Bash 2000, He uses a gas powered buzz saw for a wepon!
mini KNOME2 was also built for Bot Bash 2000, he rides on tank treads and is armed with a saw.
Un Named1 is a 55 pound robot. He has a powerfull lifter/flipper up front.
Un Named2 is a powerfull ramming/Bashing robot, he has a scooper up front and a 5 pound axe in the back.
Un Named3 was a 10 pound robot.