Who am I?
My name is Bryan MacKinnon. I was born on Oct. 21 1969 and I guess that makes me the big 29 yrs this year. Scary thought, but I am almost the big 30!! Yikes!!!! I was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Lived there until we moved to Morden, Manitoba, Canada when I was in grade six. I have lived here ever since.
My family?
During high school I met my wife to be and was married about three and a half years later in 1990. We have been married for 8.5 years now and have built quite the little life here in Morden. We have two children, Jenaya, our daughter, who will turn six in January 1999, and our son Ryley, who just turned three this past September. We really enjoy our little family, and our two cats Marvin and Smokie.
What do I do?
I am a full time EMT (paramedic) for the Morden Ambulance. And as of September 1998 I am in the position of "acting coordinator". This has been a big chalenge for me seeing as I have next to no management training. But thats ok because it is just a temporary position and it gives me some very valuable experience in the area of management. I really like working in EMS (emergency medical services). It is chalenging and always different. Sometimes it is a bit hard to handle, but for the most part it is fairly tame. Our town is not too big, so we don't usually get any really "bad" calls. The service is one of the more busy services in the south central area of Manitoba, and it usually keeps us hopping. We are having some major changes in our area due to the take over by the Regional Health Authority. And for the most part, we are going to benifit from the changes. I am looking forward to the future in EMS here in Manitoba.
My hobbies?
Well as you probably figured out by the front page, I really enjoy trading baseball cards. I am on a mission to get as many Nolan Ryan cards as I can, but that is a very big task. Oh well, I will do my very best. I also really enjoy camping and fishing and canoeing. I like playing and watching several different sports such as baseball, hockey, football and volleyball. I really don't follow any one sport or team very much until the play off's, then I like to watch. That way I never pick a really bad team.(hahahaha) Something that I also enjoy is restoring things. I have done a few peices of furniture like old tables, hutches and they even turned out really nice. The project that I am working on right now is our house. We live in a one hundred year old house that we have big plans for. This winter we will spend some time fixing the roof and kitchen part of the house. As well as finnish of the renovations on one of the bedrooms that was started last winter. It should keep us very busy for smoe time to come I am sure.
Well, that in a nut shell is my life. Thanks for stopping buy and reading. Please flip bck to my front page and sign the guest book to let me know that you were here. Thanks, and we will see you again soon.
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