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Summary of events for the year 1952


Reserve personnel promoted to F/L - Hallwood, Juzak and Robertson.
The first two weekends were spent on interception to bring up the efficiency of the Squadron in preparation for Ex Strike. The AC&U Unit participated after a long lay-off during the training of its controllers.
Briefing for Ex Strike took place on the 17th. The actual Strike taking place on the 19th was successful. 402, controlled by 2402 AC&WU, intercepted 403 who were acting as an escort to the bombers - c/o [?] Expeditors). Both 402 and 403 were favorably impressed by the opposition and interruption.
The latter part of the month was given to normal flying training and lectures.

Flying time for the Month
Mustang 153.10
Harvard 32.05

The turning of the new month saw promotions for the airmen - Sgts. Stewart, Rawsthorn and Bland to FS, and LAC Gibson to CFL.
Armament exercises were carried out for the month of Feb but were limited. A total of 7 hrs and 15 minutes was the full amount flown.
Two pilots were checked out on Mustang during the month: FO’s [?} and Chapman. A new program of flying training has been instituted by the Squadron. New and inexperienced pilots being [?] and the experienced ones to be given better handling techniques to all phases of flying. One cross-country to Edmonton return was the best of long-range navigation.
The latter part of the month saw the Mustangs dispatched to Rivers to participate in Exercise Assiniboine given for the Army Staff College.

Flying Time for Month:
Mustang 162.40
Harvard 64.40

An extensive armament program was carried out at Shilo during the first week of the new month. The Sqn - operating from Rivers - carried out Rocketting, Bombing and MG - 500 KG [?] bombs were used for the first time by the Sqn. All told 45 hrs and 35 mins were spent on Armament during the month.
One long range Navigation trip to Hamliton, Ont. And return was planned. The Mustangs were turned back by adverse weather in the vicinity Sault Ste. Marie and returned to Lakehead.
A program of lectures on Offensive Support given by L.T Lanbridge, [?], was carried.
All ranks, all formations attended a handing-over parade on the 20 Mar 52 as G/C Sellers handed over 17 Auxiliary Wing to G/C ED Turner.

Flying time for Month:
Mustang 142:10
Harvard 72:50

The month saw the Sqn concentrate mostly on Armament at Shilo and long-range navigation in preparation for the trip to Churchill.
The Sqn stood down for Easter. A visit by A/C [?], Air Officer Commanding, Tactical Air Group on the way to Sqn 52 in order to present Drill Trophy won by 1951 High School Cadets.
Link Schedule [?] maintained for the past several months as Link Trainer is being overhauled.

Flying time for Month
Mustang 161:45
Harvard 29:45

Though flying was curtailed somewhat by the gas restrictions and stand down for 24th May week-end numerous cross countries and one Armament trip were conducted besides the normal flying training.
A change of Support personnel was noted as F/L Graham was transferred to MacDonald being replaced by F/L Donnely.
Two flying accidents occurred during the month of May. The first was a wheels down landing in a field 500 yards short of the runway. The cause - shortage of fuel. The aircraft was not damaged nor was the pilot hurt. The second accident was an attempted flapless landing in a high wind with several overshoots. On the final attempt to land the pilot managed to nick the prop on the runway.
Several new pilots are being brought up to Mustang standard in hope of being able to have them attend Summer Camp.

Flying time for the month:
Mustang 101:10
Harvard 87:30
DW Rathwell W/C
CO 402 (FB) Sqn (Aux.)

F/L Osborne reported in on transfer from Rivers. He replaced F/L MacLachlan as PA1 and Support adjutant. F/L MacLachlan transferred to Rivers.
The first three weeks of June were spent on a training program in preparation for Summer Camp. Summer Camp this year was held at Watson Lake, Y.T. The training program for the first three weeks was so designed as to give each pilot a long range Navigation trip with Radio Range and Radio Compass procedures. The training program included check out and conversion flying for three pilots who were brought on strength the end of May. This increased pilot strength considerably for Summer Camp.
The last weekend of June was spent in organizing and preparing for Exercise Nugget - 17 Wing HQ movement order 1/52 Appendix “A” - this year’s Summer Camp. The Squadron aircraft departed Winnipeg 28 June arriving Watson Lake same day except for Harvards which arrived the 30 June. All other personnel were transported up by 426 Sqd. They arrived late Saturday 28 June or Sunday morning. A more detailed account of Exercise Nugget is attached as Appendix “B” and covers period 28 June - 11 July inclusive.
The ACC Tac Group A/C Kerr and party arrived from Edmonton the 5 June for conference.
Aircraft strength Mustangs 10
Harvards 6
Flying time for month of June: Mustang 153:20
Harvard 84:20

The attendance for Summer Camp was
First week Second week
Aux. Officers 25 19
Reg Officers 6 5
Aux. Airmen 61 46
Reg Airmen 35 34

All Reserve personnel are on stand down until 4 Sep. Most Support Personnel taking Annual leave until mid August. One officer on Bush Survival.

Flying time for Summer Camp
Mustang 333.45
Harvard 80.45
Total 414.30

During the month of August there was no Squadron activity. The Support activity was mainly directed toward inspections on aircraft and preparing for the coming fall training period.
A meeting was held on the 14 August. It was presided (sic) over by W/C Rathwell with all section heads attending. Both the ground training and flying programs were discussed.

Flying time for the month of August:
Mustang: 5.00
Harvard 14.10

Thursday Sep 4 was a muster parade for Auxiliary personnel. W/C Rathwell spoke to all personnel on the coming events and activities of both ground training and flying program.
W/C Nickerson and S/L Lindberg arrived from Tac Air Group mid-Sep General policies - reflying and general ground training were discussed.
An extensive instrument flying program is being carried out is being carried out as the Sqdn as a whole lacks instrument flying. During the third week of Sep the Sqdn participated in attacks on army convoy proceeding from Wainwright, Alta, to Camp Borden, Ont, via Winnipeg, Man. The fourth and last quarter was allotted to operation Bluesteel with maximum pilots and aircraft participating - operation Order 4/52 Appendix “C”.
The Squadron participated in Battle of Britain Sunday with fly past of six Mustangs - Operation Order 5/52 - Appendix “D”
Flying time for month of Sep: Mustang 144.10
Harvard 70.15

Training in Oct was varied but heavy concentration was placed on armament and Cine Camera attacks. Two weekends were on RP and MG at the Shilo range. Remaining two weeks on cross-countries. A well-planned and executed Army Co-op Exercise was carried out (Appendix “E”). The shortage of aircraft due to engine changes restricted flying for month of October.
S/L Kruger was selected to attend the Guided missiles course at Clinton, Ont. F/O Gilland transferred in to fill position as Navigation Officer with Support Section.
The Squadron was detailed for fly passed (sic) in Memorial Day ceremonies - Operation Order 8/52 - Appendix “F”.
This month also saw the change over from a Thursday to a Friday night for Reserve personnel. It was hoped that the change over would be more beneficiary (sic) for Reserve personnel as they could do DI’s on a Friday evening for Saturday’s flying. This would relieve, to some extent the DI’s carried out by Support personnel & provide an opportunity for training auxiliary personnel.

Flying time for the month of October
Mustang: 115.25
Harvard: 50.35

Operational training is on the increase every month and the efficiency following suit. The greatest boost was the opening of the Langruth Armament Range to 402 Squadron during weekend flying. Armament expanded for month of November.
50 Cal - 2400 rds.
R.P - 76
Practice bombs - 216

Operation turnabout in conjunction with Rivers aircraft was quite successful (Appendix “G”).
Nov 15 saw 402 Sqdn mark its 20th anniversary (Appendix “H”) - A
A good turn out by ex-members, a flying and a static display, all went towards making it a memorable day for all.
Total strength of Auxiliary Personnel up to the end of Nov 52 Officers 41 - Airmen 116

Aircraft Strength
Mustang: 10
Harvards: 6

Flying time for Month of November:
Mustang: 173.45
Harvard: 84.40

DW Rathwell W/C
CO 402 (FB) Sqn (Aux.) Wpg

[The month of December 1952 is missing]
