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[The month of January is missing].

A cocktail party was held at Urban HQ mess for G/C Ingalls.
20 Feb, F/O Shanton taken on Special Duty with the Auxiliary until March 16th. Feb 26th Tac Air Group personnel visited the Squadron during the Weekend. The party included W/C Delany, D/L’s Garnett and Powers and F/L Hermanson.
Improved weather conditions were reflected in the increases in all parts of Squadron flying.
Flying time for month: Harvard 77:10
Mustang 172:50

Three mustangs participated 2 to 5 March, in exercise Assiniboine at Rivers.
A new order re: Mustang Dis came out in the 18 March. All Mustangs to be run up to 61” as part of DI. This was found to be very inconvenient due to inadequate facilities, especially as regards to the auxiliary on weekends with only limited time to utilize.
There was one accident during March. It was a wheels-up landing on the airdrome. Weather conditions poor. Cause - Pilot error. No injuries.
On the 26th of March, Cpl. Miller delivered a lecture on oxygen system and anoxia to the pilots. Squadron scores in Air-Air firing were generally good in March.
Flying time for month: Harvard 20:40
Mustang 145:20

On 1 April, Cpls. Miller and Done were promoted to Sgts. and Sgt. MacPherson to FB. On the 16th a lecture on fire fighting methods was given to the Auxiliary ground crew. During the week of the 23rd plans were made for 402 Sqn participation in bombing and air display in Regina - Appendix “B”, which came off will on the 25th.
Officers from Tac Air Group visited 402 squadron 24 April they included S/L Garnett, S/L Murray and F/L Smith, and were pleased with overall operation and efficiency of Squadron. On this same day F/O Savard successfully undertook his category test.
Maintenance was very good during this month and a large amount of armament exercises were possible as a result.
Flying time for month: Harvard 16:20
Mustang 177:50

The coolant blew on one Mustang on 3 May, but the pilot brought the aircraft back to base without mishaps or damage.
F/O M Hart and F/O J Scott taken on Special Duty with Regular on 6 May. 7 May Summer Camp fully discussed by section heads.
9 May four Mustangs on a cross country to Saskatoon had to turn back due to adverse weather conditions. They landed at Rivers to refuel and for repairs to one of the aircraft.
F/O Collins on his last flight of the day, damaged a propeller. Landed with drift on , bounced and drifted off runway onto grass area. No injuries sustained.
A/C Coleman and W/C Ganderton from Tac Air Group visited 402 Squadron inspected the area and discussed policy.
23 May, F/O [?] and F/O Thomson taken on Strength. On the 26th of May W/C Rathwell, CO, 402 Squadron, presented mugs to all outgoing aircrew personnel.
30 May a parade in preparation for the coronation parade 2 June was held at Urban HQ.
Flying time for month: Harvard 62:20
Mustang 117:50

DW Rathwell, W/C
CO, 402 (FB) Sqn (Aux.) Wpg

S/L Bartley reported in on transfer from ANS, Winnipeg. He replaced S/L Kruger as OC Support Unit who was posted to CJS, Washington.
The month of June was a big month for the Unit. The first week included a fly past for the Coronation Day Parade - 17 Wing HQ Operations Order 4/53 Appendix “A”. The second week saw the Sqn participating in Ex Key Step - 17 Wing HQ Operations Order 5/53 Appendix “B”. The exercise was to be held the week-end of the 6 and 7 June but due to inclement weather at Great Falls, which caused serious flooding in and around the Great Falls Air Force Base, the exercise was set back one week to the 13 - 14 June. A critique of the exercise is attached as Appendix “B”.
The last ten days of June were spent in organizing and preparing for Exercise Key Stone - TAC Operations Order 28/53 Appendix “C”. This years’ summer camp was to be held at Watson Lake but due to a polio outbreak in the Whitehorse area, summer camp at Watson Lake was cancelled. Rockcliffe was then chosen as the site of this years summer camp. A more detailed account of Exercises Key Stone is attached as Appendix “D”.
S/L Lindberg arrived the 18th June from TAC for conference with the unit’s CO.
Several lectures were given by Air Traffic Control personnel. Mr. Harvey and Mr. Brerton gave lectures on local flying procedures and Flight planning as required by ATC.
Flying time for month of June: Mustang 118.00
Harvard 50.20

Operations for July was made up of Summer Camp. All ranks found the location and duties of Summer Camp most instructive. Appendix “D” covers the detailed account of Summer Camp.
All Reserve personnel are on stand down until 3 Sep. Most Support personnel taking annual leave until mid August.
Flying time for Summer Camp: Mustang 286.10
Harvard 26.00

During the month of August there was no Squadron activities. The Support activity was mainly directed toward inspections on aircraft and preparing for the coming fall training period.
A Sqn meeting was held the last week of August. It was presided (sic) over by S/L Reid with all section heads attending.
W/C Rathwell released from the RCAF Auxiliary eff 1 Aug. S/L Reid to take over as CO awaiting final confirmation from AFHQ.
Two Mustangs to Edmonton to participate in Exercise Buffalo IV - TAC Operations Order 33/53 Appendix “E”.
F/L Osborne and F/O Gilland on a return trip from Vancouver to Winnipeg set a speed for Mustang aircraft. F/O Gilland made the trip, a distance of 1100 miles, in 2hrs and 49 mins. F/L Osborne landed at Rivers due to shortage of gas. - Appendix “F”.
S/L Brown and S/L Murray from TAC visited the Squadron. A conference was held discussing the fall and winter training programs.

Flying time for August: Mustang 39.30
Harvard 15.45

Thursday Sep 3 was the first Auxiliary parade since Stand Down. S/L Reid spoke to all personnel on the activities of both ground training and flying program for the fall seasons.
S/L Reid promoted to Wing Commander 1 Aug. and assumed command of 402 (FB) Sqn eff same date.
The Sqn participated in Air Force Day held at Stn Winnipeg the 19 Sep - Stn Winnipeg Operation Order 10/53 - Appendix “G”) Also a Sqn Fly past for Battle of Britain (Appendix “H”)
The Squadron participation in Operation “Freshie” was a great success - (Appendix “J”). The fly past and aero display put on at the University of Manitoba was well received. Pilots participating were F/L Del Osborne and F/O Frank Gilland.
An extensive armament program was carried out during the month as exceptional weather gave the Sqn the needed flying days. Armament consisted of A-G, Rockets, MG and dive bombing.
F/O Savard released from Regular Force. S/L Bartley to Clinton for guided Missiles (sic) course.
The end of Sep saw the Sqn participating in Operation “Lynx Cat” - Appendix “K”. No interceptions were made as the bomber force came in low and were not picked up by 2402 AC&W Unit
Flying time for month of September: Mustang 159.30
Harvard 32.40

The big item of the month was the Handing Over Parade on 8 Oct. W/C Rathwell, DFC, handed over 402 (FB) Sqn to W/C Reid, DFC. A large group was in attendance including the Mayor of Winnipeg and several provincial cabinet ministers. (Appendix “L”).
Two Mustangs accidents marred the flying during October. F/O Thomson while on a high climb suffered anoxia at approximately 30,000 ft. Though he came to around 10,000 feet the aircraft was damaged to an extend (sic) of “B” category. The rudder trim was torn off plus the top part of rudder. Wings rippled and stressed. Nil injuries received by pilot. (See attached photos of accident - appendix “M”).
The second accident was a forced landing. F/O Hart was up on formation flying and ran the port tank dry. He then selected the starboard tank but the engine failed to start. A successful force landing was then carried out approx. 20 miles north of Winnipeg. Nil injuries received. See appendix “N” for force landing.
Training in October was varied (sic) but again a heavy concentration was placed on armament. Thursday evening lectures are being given in preparation for Auxiliary Qualifying exams. These lectures included Navigation, Met and General Service Knowledge.
W/C McVeigh and S/L Huret, AFHQ, visited Sqn and held conference re policy of Auxiliary Sqns.
Flying times for October. Mustang 114.40
Harvard 38.40

S/L Lindberg from #1 TAC visited the Sqn and held a maintenance conference.
Flying was at a minimum for month of November due to adverse weather. However, armament again was the main item for the month.
One exercise carried out. Sqn participated in Operation Kangaroo - Appendix “O” - at Calgary. The operation was a great success especially from maintenance viewpoint.
The Sqn participated in fly past on Memorial Day. Four 402 Auxiliary Airmen and the OC Support, S/L Bartley, were presented with the Coronation Medal. The Auxiliary airmen taking part were: FS Waldie, Col. Sawchuck, Sgt. Low and LAC Fidelak.
The Sqn officially changed commands on the 16 Nov., moving from #1 TAC to ADC. One and all are in accord and hope that the day of jets are not too far away.
W/C Norton, ADC HQ arrived during mid November and discussed ADC policy with CO.

Total Strength of 402 (F) Sqn Personnel up to 30 Nov 53.
Officers: 40
Airmen: 152
Aircrew: 8

Total aircraft strength to end November: Mustang 12
Harvard 6
Total flying time for November Mustang 147.10
Harvard 36.35
JM Reid W/C
CO, 402 (F) Sqn (Aux.) Wpg.

Two Mustangs to Calgary for funeral of W/C Freeman CO 403 (F) Sqn who was killed 29 Nov. F/O Ports and F/O Collins represented this Sqn. S/L Bartley selected as president of the board of inquiry to investigate cause of flying accident to W/C Freeman.
G/C Ledeux and party of ADC Personnel attended a meeting at 17 Wing HQ on the evening of 6 Dec 53.
Exercise “Cottontail” was carried out and was a success.
19 Dec a Christmas Party for Children was held at urban HQ.
